Mamas Uncut

Woman Wakes After Two Years in a Coma, Now She’s Telling the Police Who Put Her There


In June 2020, a 51-year-old woman named Wanda Palmer was “attacked, hacked, and left for dead.” For the next two years, Palmer lay in a coma.

Now, Palmer is awake and she’s answering the questions the police have been asking. In a statement shared by the Jackson Country, West Virginia Sheriff’s Department on Facebook, the man responsible for nearly killing Palmer has been arrested.

Woman Wakes After Two Years in a Coma, Now She’s Telling the Police Who Put Her There

As CNN reports, after waking from the coma, Palmer told police her brother is the person responsible for the attack. Now, police reveal Daniel Palmer has been arrested.

“After 2 years of being hospitalized and in a coma resulting from being attacked, hacked, and left for dead, Wanda Palmer is now awake to see her assailant in custody – her brother, Daniel Palmer,” the sheriff’s department wrote in their statement.

“Daniel Palmer is charged with Attempted Murder and Malicious Wounding following the June 2020 incident near Cottageville. Continued prayers for the victim please.”

Woman Wakes After Two Years in a Coma, Now She’s Telling the Police Who Put Her There

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According to police, Palmer was discovered in 2020 in an “upright position” on her couch. Palmer had severe injuries caused by what authorities believe to be an “ax or hatchet.”

A weapon was never recovered. While there were no phone records, surveillance footage, or eyewitnesses on the night of the attack, a witness did tell police they saw Daniel on the porch of Palmer’s home.

While Palmer was only able to answer yes or no questions after awaking from the coma, police were able to get the answer they’d been searching for.

Daniel has since been charged with attempted murder and malicious wounding on July 15. He has since been arraigned and assessed with a bond of $500,000, CNN reports.

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