12 YouTubers You Should NOT Allow to Influence Your Children

It’s hard to be a parent these days with our kids wanting to access various social media platforms like YouTube at younger and younger ages. You want to protect your child but not smother them and while you might allow access to certain platforms once your child reaches a mature age, you still must remain vigilant.

One thing we see over and over again are mean-spirited videos with hundreds of thousands of plays, likes, and shares. There is no need for your child to have watch racist, sexist, homophobic, or bigoted content. The world already has too much of it! We decided to round up the “serial offenders” on YouTube that you should ensure your child avoids.

Bryce Hall

12 YouTubers You Should NOT Allow to Influence Your Children
Bryce Hall / YouTube

For whatever reason, kids really like this young man who famously had his power turned off by the Mayor of LA for excessive partying throughout the pandemic. Yes, during a global pandemic in which thousands were succumbing to a fast-spreading virus and dying, Hall threw many massive parties which he bragged about and documented online. Let’s not.

Jeffree Star

12 YouTubers You Should NOT Allow to Influence Your Children
Jeffree Star / YouTube

People love beauty and brand influencer Jeffree Star but his record is far from lovable. He’s been accused of using violent slurs, being racist, and making pedophilia jokes through the years. He does this thing where he says something completely offensive, then cries on camera while delivering an apology. It’s happened multiple times and it’s played out. Star is not kid-friendly, parents!

Shane Dawson

12 YouTubers You Should NOT Allow to Influence Your Children
Shane Dawson / YouTube

On June 30, 2020, YouTube indefinitely suspended monetization on all three of Dawson’s channels. He was accused of using offensive, racist language like using the “n-word” and wearing blackface. In one video that resurfaced, he “sexualized” a poster of Willow Smith who was only 11-year-old at the time. Although he has since issued a lengthy apology, it’s probably best to keep your kids away from this problematic figure.

RELATED: Jada Pinkett Smith and Jaden Smith Call Out Youtuber Shane Dawson for ‘Sexualizing’ Willow Smith When She Was Just 11 Years Old

James Charles

12 YouTubers You Should NOT Allow to Influence Your Children
James Charles / YouTube

James Charles has millions of followers across his social media accounts. So, it was alarming to see him living it up at massive parties during coronavirus lockdowns. He documented it, of course, and shared a video from the party on YouTube. Public outcry eventually forced the influencer to apologize for his irresponsibility. He removed the party footage and encouraged his fans to “be smarter than I was.” Noted.

RELATED: James Charles Gets Heat For Poking Fun At Pregnancy In Photo Shoot

Addison Rae

12 YouTubers You Should NOT Allow to Influence Your Children
Addison Rae / YouTube

Kourtney Kardashian‘s mini-me, Addison Rae is no stranger to scandal. She issued an apology after a video she shared in 2015 expressed anti-Black Lives Matter sentiment. She issued an apology for the video in July of 2020. However, months later she was criticized again for teaching Jimmy Fallon TikTok dances which were actually created by Black people who initially went uncredited.

Tana Mongeau

12 YouTubers You Should NOT Allow to Influence Your Children
Tana Mongeau / YouTube

Things got so rough for Tana Mongeau that the influencer issued a blanket apology for all of her past actions. The drama began when it was revealed by her former friends Kahlen Barry and Simply Nessa that Mongeau employed someone who was guilty of microaggressions and racism. Life’s too short, folks!

Gregory Jackson

12 YouTubers You Should NOT Allow to Influence Your Children
Onison / YouTube

Onision is the YouTube handle of Gregory Jackson, a man known mostly for documenting his militant views on vegetarianism, religion, and his drama-filled relationships. His viewers are predominantly teenage girls. Onision has been criticized many times and has been likened to a “cult leader, sociopath, and abuser of his girlfriends and wives.” 

Logan Paul

12 YouTubers You Should NOT Allow to Influence Your Children
Logan Paul / YouTube

Logan Paul has been involved in many, many controversies. Most notably, he took a trip to Japan in December 2017 and visited the Aokigahara “suicide forest”, filmed a suicide victim, and shared the footage to his Youtube channel. His YouTube channel was demonetized in 2018 due to his “pattern of behavior.” Yes, he was someone who did the TidePod Challenge.

Jake Paul

12 YouTubers You Should NOT Allow to Influence Your Children
Jake Paul / YouTube

Just when you thought it could not get any worse… Jake Paul is Logan’s little brother but that does not mean he’s not equally as vile. Paul is another one of these influencers who threw big parties throughout the pandemic, claiming that COVID-19 was a “hoax.” He’s also been accused by two young women of sexual assault and misconduct. So, keep your kids far, far away.

Nicole Arbour

12 YouTubers You Should NOT Allow to Influence Your Children
Nicole Arbour / YouTube

Nicole Arbour‘s controversies pale in comparison to many on this list but that does not make her any less offensive. In 2015, the “comedian” shared a video entitled “Dear Fat People” which will live in infamy. It was fat-shaming masquerading as comedy and many people called Arbour out for it. Her crass “comedy” is definitely no appropriate for kids!

Gregory Chism

12 YouTubers You Should NOT Allow to Influence Your Children
Toy Freaks / YouTube

Gregory Chism is a single father and founder of the “Toy Freaks” YouTube channel. In very disturbing videos, Chism employs his two daughters to help him create content that finds him inappropriately pranking his daughters.

In one instance, he threw a live frog into their bath as they bathed. Or, having them act like infants complete with pacifiers in their mouths, spitting up food, and even wetting themselves. YouTube kicked him off the platform in 2017, but videos of his still resurface there. Beware just because “toy” is in the title does not mean it’s made for kids!

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Trisha Paytas

12 YouTubers You Should NOT Allow to Influence Your Children
Trisha Paytas / YouTube

From marrying a cardboard cutout of Brad Pitt to revealing they identified as a trans man to claiming to have dissociative identity disorder, Trisha Paytas engages in shock for clickbait. They have since walked back their past statements regarding their sexuality and now identifies as gender non-binary.

To be clear, we are not suggesting Paytas’ sexuality is the reason for kids to not watch her on YouTube. She’s a famous internet troll and we just do not see that being a positive influence on kids!

There you go! These YouTubers are definitely not kid-approved and you would be wise to make sure your child does not have access to their videos. We recommend reading Common Sense Media’s guide on the topic to further educate yourself so that you can best protect young viewers on YouTube.

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