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10 ‘At Home Date Night Ideas’ To Do With Your Kids

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If your date night suddenly became a night in with the kids — don’t fear, our top favorite home date night ideas to do with your kids are here!

Scroll on for kid-friendly, memory-making nights that the whole family can join in on with ideas from Reddit parents, for their fellow parents.

10. Family Yoga Night

“Check out Cosmic Yoga on YouTube,” one parent shared. “She has a lot of great yoga videos for kids, a lot of them loosely follow familiar stories or Disney movies (which helps keep our younger kid’s concentration I think). Both our kids are really into them despite having very different personalities and it seems like a good combination of being active but in a thoughtful way. If you have carpet you shouldn’t need anything else, for a vinyl or wood floor you’ll want mats of some kind.”

9. Bake Cupcakes

“Make cupcakes. Then clean up. Then decorate the cupcakes. Then clean up. Then eat the cupcakes. Then clean up…,” one user shared. And seriously, kids love cupcakes, right?

8. Indoor Parade

“They assemble some pull along animals and maybe a drum or instruments and form a line and march through the house. They made that one up themselves,” one parent shared.

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7. Legos, ASSEMBLE!

“I built a lego assembly table for my kids,” one parent shared. “It was an old card table that I cut holes in for storage tubs. I also glued down some assembly mats for them to build on. It was a big hit. We spend hours putting together legos.”

6. Learn A New Skill Together

“My fondest memories with my dad from when I was little was when he taught me practical skills that girls wouldn’t normally be taught and made it a game,” one user shared.

“Woodwork, basic maintenance on machines and buildings, first aid then how to drive when I was older. Then there was the days he took us blackberry picking, to the beach at low tide to help dig up worms so we could go fishing later. I still remember him teaching me how to gut, clean and cook a fish. Never realized how much he taught me until I bought my own fixer-upper house with a husband that never touched a tool in his life. Point being, its things like that that will stick with your kid. Hope this helps.”

5. Create A Silly, Made-Up Game

“I ordered a bunch of dirt-cheap inflatable hammers on amazon,” one user shared. “We stand in a circle and take turns telling a lie, or the truth. If the group thinks you are lying, you get bonked with a million hammer swings.”

RELATED: 7 Things To Do With Kids That Just Make Sense

4. Backyard Family Golf Night

“So my son is 2 and he loves golf,” one parent shared. “I have a huge pine tree in my backyard and when I mow I take a golf club and smack all the pine cones off my lawn. He thought it was fun and would want to do it too. So I found a kids club at a thrift store and now he has his own and goes out back every day to hit pinecones. I found some plastic balls for like 4 bucks at target and every morning we go out and hit golf balls together. Took him to a golf course once to the putting green and he lost his mind! Bucket of balls is cheap and I got a club for 3 bucks.”

3. Put Your Green Thumbs To Work

“Buying all sorts of [veggie] seeds and planting them together,” one parent shared. “Then nurturing them through the season until finally, they bear their produce. This year we have done tomatoes, cucumbers, spring onions, bell peppers, and jack o lantern pumpkins. My boy absolutely loves doing this with dad…plus he is learning to grow his own food.”

2. Work On A Science Project

“My son absolutely loves when I show him new things, whether it’s mixing baking soda and vinegar or coloring on a paper towel and letting the colors bleed as it absorbs water,” one parent shared. “We do more complex things as well, such as elephant toothpaste or using dry ice and alcohol to freeze things, but even the simple things are a lot of fun. I’m really looking forward to helping him with science projects.”

1. A Classic Game Of Hide N’ Seek

“Not sure how this missed the list, but rainy day hide and seek is a staple in my house,” one parent shared. “My son was terrible but my daughter is a ninja reincarnated. He has since improved greatly. It also allows you to slow down the count or “look” while you wait for a commercial to come on. When you hide, make it obvious and over time increase the difficulty. Soon they will think you’re a wizard teleporting where ever you like. It also helps keep you flexible and active (if you try hard enough). Just be sure not to startle little ones, but after four or so I’m making them crap themselves, for I too am ninja. The silence is also golden after a few hours of in house mayhem.”