Mamas Uncut

5-Year-Old Girl Goes Viral For Wearing Mandalorian Mask While Shopping With Mom

Raena Granberry, 38, was headed to Michaels to purchase some decorations when she told her 5-year-old daughter, Justice, to go get her mask.

And while Justice did, it was not the mask Granberry had in mind.

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“I told my daughter to grab her mask so we can go to the store. This was the mask she grabbed,” Granberry posted to Twitter.

Justice, who adores Christmas lights and was in the middle of eating pancakes when she spoke to BuzzFeed News, revealed she dawned the Mandalorian mask “cause it was awesome.”

Granberry requested she put her cloth mask on too, and Justice kept both on for most of the shopping trip.

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The entire family is into Star Wars, and Justice says her favorite character is actually Rey Skywalker.

And this year, Justice was Rey for Halloween. “She has a sword,” Justice said.

“She has a lightsaber, and she has this little robe around her costume so it can protect her. And she lives in the wild.”

Image via Twitter

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And while she did not get to go trick or treating due to COVID-19, she did get to have some candy and watch a movie. Granberry, who works on Black maternal health with the Los Angeles Department of Public Health, revealed she had faced her own challenges during her pregnancies.

She said the experiences have made her feel “ultra-fortunate” to have both of her children healthy and happy.

“Let these kids be who they are. They’re gonna be that anyway, so the more you foster it and love them and let it be, the more awesome they get to be and shine for the world and make them happy,” said Granberry.