Advice: When Did Your Child Stop Sleeping In Your Bed?

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QUESTION: When did your child stop sleeping in your bed? Advice?

I have a son. He is 5. He is very smart and mostly independent. He still asks to sleep in my bed, and I tell him he is a big boy able to sleep in his bed, but then he will still crawl in my bed in the middle of the night. Should I let him stay in my bed or take him back to his own? My boyfriend (not his biological father) does sleepover on weekends and doesn’t mind when my son climbs in bed with us. I just don’t know when he stops wanting to be in my bed.

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When Did Your Child Stop Sleeping In Your Bed?

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I slept in bed with my mom up till I was 15. We were really close. Enjoy it cause once the cuddles go away you’ll miss it.”

“My 5, 6, 7, 8-year-old still make their way into my bed through the night. One at a time lol. Enjoy the moments like that cause they won’t want it when they’re older.”

“As a parent of 3 kids, oldest is 16 this year and youngest is 3. My advice is to let him sleep with you as long as he needs to. Do not be pressured by society! Before you know it, one night will be your last night with him snuggling up next to you and you will miss it. Soak up this time with him as it will soon pass, I wish I hadn’t rushed my oldest kids to grow up, I miss them being little.”

“My son is 6 nearly 7 still sleeps in my bed always has just gonna let him decide when it stops I really don’t mind it.”

“My son was 8 before he stopped sleeping with me. And he still, at 11, will come in there every once in a while and crawl in my bed.”

“Let him. He needs his momma. Soon he won’t want anything to do with you. My littles are 7 and 8. They still sleep with me occasionally. As a mom of an adult child I’ve learned to treasure it. Be what your child needs instead of expecting him to be what you want him to be.”

“He will let you know but for now, just enjoy the cuddles with him. He’s not harming anyone.”

“Mine is 10 and still likes to sleep in my bed. I don’t think I would be comfortable with him crawling into bed with me and a boyfriend though. That’s not appropriate.”

“My youngest brother was 8 when my parents moved from a king to a queen and kicked him out. He still makes a nest on the floor because he likes to be near them.”

“Just enjoy every moment. You’re his mother and he finds peace right beside you. One of the best way to show your child that you love him and he is safe when he is with you.”

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