Mamas Uncut

MU’s Best Memes of the Week Part 2: “Next Pregnancy, I’ve Decided I Want to be the Dad”

Do you need a little meme inspiration to keep you going today? Yes, yes you do! Funny memes are our life-force and we’re not ashamed to admit it. At Mamas Uncut, we come across many a dank meme and we decided it’s time to start sharing the best of the best every week. Being a mom can sometimes feel like you’re on your own little island. When, in reality, every mama is going through the same things you are. Memes are here to help.

The world (and internet) can be a dark place and we’ve decided to wade through the trash to find the treasure. Here are 38 incredibly funny and heartfelt memes we think any mom, parent, or person with a beating heart will love. If you need a pick-me-up, scroll through our most popular memes and we’re sure you’ll get a laugh and some well-deserved validation.


Sometimes your kids’ insubordination can take your breath away. It happens to the best of us.


When the mini-me gets too real. How did she learn all of the bad traits you’ve spent your life perfecting in a few short years?


Every day is laundry day when you’ve got kids because they’re disgusting. Also, teach them young so you don’t have to be their maid for the rest of their life.


Today we learned that we and our ancestors have been loading up the freezer wrong since freezers were invented. The more you know!


Being a short parent means exerting your authority with threats rather than with your physicality. Things get real interesting when the kids outgrow you. But, they can help you reach things on those top shelves.


Wow. This is an excellent outlook to have and a great thing to keep in the back of your mind. Raising kids to treat others with kindness and respect is always a winning project.

Sure Does!

Aw. What an adorable meme about being a mom. We love it!

Parenthood 101

100% this right here. We’ve had our fair share of laundry room envy over the years. It’s the price a parent pays.

A Day in the Life

Being a parent really feels like this some days. We’ve experienced every emotion you can emote in a single day thanks to the children.

So True

If you’ve not experienced the transformative power of the uninterrupted shower, you have not lived a day in a mom’s shoes. A moment’s peace is hard to come by, but when you get one you’re a princess.


Well, this took us back to a simpler if not, upsetting time. Can we just pretend this didn’t exist?

The Emotions

Getting a kid to pick up their toys is like trying to earn a Nobel Peace Prize from home. There will be screaming and menacing looks, it’s just the way it goes.

Send Help

God, grant us the fearless courage of a small boy. Those guys aren’t afraid of anything except an empty stomach.


Actually, we’d be more than happy to look like Britney Spears at this point.

I Am Who I (F*&$%&!) Am

This is a perfect meme. Don’t make moms repeat themselves or it’s going to get nasty.

The Call of the Ocean

Nothing wrong about that! Bring mama the snacks.


We endorse this decision. Pregnancy is no joke and dads generally have no idea. We’d love to see a real-life Junior situation.


Husbands have no problem throwing their wives under the bus to avoid being the bad guy. It happens with the kids and with friends and family.

2020 Can Burn

Well, this meme is enough to make you laugh before you start to cry. Please, for the love of all that is holy, wear a mask so we can get back to some sense of normalcy.


“Our little monsters.”


The only things in life that bring us joy. What else is there… fishing? Oh, we could go for some fried fish.

This Is the Story of My Life

And, we also need to be permanently logged out of Amazon. Keep it away!

So True

Marriage is taking the good with the bad. And, it does get bad at times. Make sure you’re with someone who can help you weather the storm.

Sure Can! Proof.

This is a glorious meme and we don’t think we’ve ever loved anything more. We’re grilled to well-done perfection and proud of it.


Why do they do this? How do we make them stop? Do you need The Force?


If anyone asks, just make something up because trying to explain it to another adult is pointless. A very special moment that only you and the little one understand. Precious.

Every Single Time

The kids are fine. However, they lie about it. They’ll be returned home five pounds heavier and with the most annoying toy on the planet.


Heavy is the head that wears the crown and that head needs a nap. Get over it.

Dreams of Shopping In an Actual Store

Some people need to DRESS FOR LESS, okay? It’s not okay.


Be kind is a good general rule of thumb. But, when you’re interacting with a pregnant woman channel that positive energy in her direction.


75% of the job description right here. Leering. Check!

We’re Not the Only Ones, Right?

Busts in. Checks breathing. Moves on. Every parent does it.

RELATED: MU’s 35 Best Memes of the Week: “I Asked for a Daughter, Not Angelica from Rugrats”

This Kid.

The co-conspirator energy is strong with this child. This one’s going places.

They Grow so Fast

Life comes at you fast. An angry toddler is fiercer than many people fully understand.


No matter what kind of day you’re having, you’re still an amazing mom. Give ’em hell, mama!

Sure Am

We’re not going to apologize for it, either! We simply don’t have the time. Bye.


The toddler slaps are serious! They’re like mini UFC fighters in training and your face is the bag.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 25 Funny Tweets From Moms About Husbands and the Paradox of Marriage

Go Away

Remember sleep? Those were the days.

There you go! 38 incredible memes about parenting and motherhood that you needed in your life today. These are some of the most popular memes on Mamas Uncut and it’s easy to see why.