Mamas Uncut

My Family Wants Me to Circumcise My Son, But I Don’t Want To: Advice?

My Family Wants Me to Circumcise My Son, But I Don't Want To: Advice?

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QUESTION: I Don’t Want to Circumcise My Son, But My Family Is Pressuring Me To: Advice?

“So I just had a baby boy, and we are not circumcising him.

All my friends and family are telling me I’m making a big mistake not circumcising and boys should be circumcised for a number of different reasons.

Moms of boys, I need advice. Am I making a mistake? Why is everybody so concerned?”

RELATED: 90 Day Fiancé’s Ariela Decides To Halt Son’s Circumcision Right Before Procedure

Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Most of the world leaves their boys intact. Just research proper care, don’t retract. I couldn’t put my son through an unnecessary procedure either. Don’t worry about what other people say.”

“I’m from the UK, the only reason people do it here are for medical reasons or religious reasons. I have a son, I could never ever put my son through something like this for pointless reasons. I have never known any man to have any problems with hygiene or anything and I don’t know anyone who has been circumcised; its mutilation and it’s wrong…

… It’s disturbing to even think this is still a done thing in this day and age. Leave it alone and let him choose when he’s older. There are some cultures that mutilate female genitalia for the same reasons and its absolute torture. I couldn’t imagine doing that to my child. It’s your choice, your son, his body, so if I were you I would let him make his own choice when he’s older.”

“All these people saying that it’s due to hygiene… it’s not. That’s a myth. Studies show that it’s purely cosmetic. America is one of the only countries that circumcise not due to religion. It does not make you at a higher risk for infections. You just have to clean it. Your son, your decision.”

“Mom of 3 boys. I don’t see the reasoning for augmenting/mutilating their tiny bodies. And putting a child through a totally unnecessary surgery. Besides all surgeries have risks and don’t always go correctly… infections and even having to redo it later because it ‘grew back'”

“My daughter is a CNA and all the older men keep getting infections because they can no longer properly clean themselves and by the time the CNA catches it it’s too late an infection. It’s very painful for them. As a young man their hygiene is not always a number 1 priority which gives his partner a nasty STD or vaginosis. I just had my boy 2 weeks ago and he got circumcised its been a week and he’s already healed from it. Yes its traumatizing but it’s better for him in the long run.”

“Mine are. Gotta think long term with hygiene as well. And if you wait til the kid is 2 then they are in terrible pain. As newborns it’s easier on them!”

“Unless deemed medically necessary by urologists for a real medical problem, there’s no reason to cut your baby.”

“It’s up to you momma. I like my boys being circumcised but I know plenty of people who don’t and didn’t have their boys done. You do you, momma. No one’s choice or opinion but yours matters.”

“We chose to circumcise our son. I worked in the children’s hospital & saw too often older boys coming in to get a circumcision done & it was more painful & caused more infections because kids don’t properly clean themselves. If you are confident that you can keep him clean & teach him how to properly clean himself, then don’t circumcise him…

… I have also heard that uncircumcised men sometimes have painful intercourse, so that’s also a factor that I believe should be considered. If I were on the fence about it, I would ask MEN what their opinion is on it. I can tell you that my baby did not cry much after his was done, and it didn’t seem to bother him at all. But everyone is different. Good luck with your choice!”

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