Mamas Uncut

20 of the Creepiest Little Kid Halloween Costumes That Will Make Your Skin Crawl

Halloween is just around the corner and we at Mamas Uncut make it no secret that it is one of our favorite holidays and the best time of year. One of the best parts of the season is coming up with clever Halloween costumes that really make an impact. For our younger children, we will need to help them piece their costumes together while older kids can come up with their very own. No matter how they end up on our kids, these Halloween costumes can become seriously creepy.

We decided to take a look into the world of creepy kid Halloween costumes and we don’t think we will know a good night’s sleep ever again! What is it about scary costumes for kids that makes them exponentially creepier than the ones that adults choose to wear? There’s something so unnerving about our cute little kiddos transforming into monsters. If you would like to get thoroughly chilled to the bone, take a look at these insanely fun creepy little kid Halloween costumes.

Baby Pennywise

Little Kid Halloween Costumes

Not THAT clown! We find the demon clown from IT in this kid’s Halloween costume. Why is little Pennywise way scarier than big Pennywise? It’s not right.

She’s a Doll


Annabelle is looking completely terrifying here and has been brought to life by her mom’s excellent makeup skills. This is one of the best DIY kid Halloween costumes on this list.

Not Another One


As you will start to notice, creepy clowns are all the kids want to be these days. They are rather devilish and each one offers something creepier than the last.

L’il Ms. Skellington


Fans of The Nightmare Before Christmas, will see that the imagery from the movie has been interpreted in a unique and spine-tingling way. All of the black around this child’s eyes is just really delivering for us. Yikes!

She’s a Vamp


We find a gothic vampire Halloween costume for this young lady. If vampires are the monsters that freak you out the most, you better throw some garlic in those pockets and pack a cross.

It’s Not Right


The parent of this child explained that they try to make each year’s Halloween costume scarier than the last. We did not even look at last year’s because this one so thoroughly creeped us out. We know without a doubt they upped the freaky factor for this one.

DIY Chucky


Here is our first Chucky and we are certain it will form some goosebumps on your flesh. Is it the child’s piercing blue eyes or just the chaotic energy they are serving that is doing it for you?

The Kids Are Not All Right


Nope! It’s over. Done and dusted. Somehow the creepiest Halloween costumes happen to be the super creative DIY ones. They capture that piece of our imagination that fears the unknown. Does anyone have any holy water on hand?

Glowing Eyes


The parent who shared this image described the Halloween costume as “Demon Child.” There’s something about the obscured face but the glowing eyes that is really getting to us. What happened to their peepers? How can this kid see?

Just a Couple of Brothers


“The boys decided to be the same character!” the proud mom of these boys wrote. They are dressed as a Creepypasta character called “Jeff the Killer.” Those faces are so terrifying we actually want Jack to kill us now.

The Crows? They’re Scared


Have you ever seen a Scarecrow that really rubs you the wrong way? We had and then we saw this and immediately realized it could have been much, much worse. We’re staying out of any open fields until November 1.

RELATED: One Man’s Halloween Decorations Are So Terrifying That Police Have Been Called Multiple Times

Not Cool!


So, this Halloween costume started out innocent enough with Peter Pan looking so very adorable. Then, with the assistance of a parent, this costume has been totally taken over to the dark side. Is this not the worst thing you have ever seen? AH!



Here’s our second Chucky and this little girl deserves an Academy Award for Best Actress. The commitment here is just undeniable. If this Halloween costume list teaches you anything, it’s to not interact with dolls ever.

The Family That Slays Together…


This family went all-in on their Halloween costumes and, as you would expect, the kids are the worst part. How do they look so dead in the eyes? Though it doesn’t look like it, we’re sure they all had a good time.

So Wrong for This


For those of you who have a lifelong fear of the movie The Exorcist, we are sorry. The parents of this child deserve a firm slap on the wrist and a good talking to. It’s so wrong on so many levels.

Not Going to Play


Here are some more Halloween costumes based on the creepy twins from The Shining. Can you just hear the words “Come play with us, Danny,” running through your mind? Sorry kiddos, we’re not game!

Don’t Watch That Tape


You know, twinning Halloween costumes are fun for friends but they prove unendurable for all of us who witness them. We did not need one Samara from The Ring and that means we definitely were good without two. It’s wise to avoid VHS tapes at the moment.

Little Mummy


The parent who helped make this kid’s costume explained that it is a zombie/mummy hybrid. Will you ever be the same? Kids in masks are like the scariest things on the planet and that’s not up for debate.

A Mask Will Do It


Really, slap any old creepy mask on your child and it will haunt you for the rest of your days. This one looks like a broken little doll that wants to break you in half. Eeek!



The Babadook scared our socks off the first time we saw it. Little did we know that the character would become a gay iconoclast and beloved “other” figure. “If it’s in a word, or in a look, you can’t get rid of the Babadook…” Words to live by.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 25 Canceled Halloween Costumes That Are Beyond Offensive

Ban the Banshee


A mom sculpted this mask for her young child we called a “Banshee.” Whatever you want to call it we’re staying out of sight of this thing. Parents, keep these Halloween costumes weird. You’re the reason for the season!

There you go! If you liked these creepy kid Halloween costumes, keep reading! We’ve got even more fun Halloween fun coming your way. We’ve got the funniest Halloween costume fails ever to share with you.

Something’s Off

Sometimes mistakes lead to glorious outcomes. Here, we find a child who has erroneously put their costume on which makes the tail look rather inappropriate. Kids never cease to amaze.


Apparently cutting holes in fabric to create a ghost costume is much more difficult than it looks. This dog’s name is Mila and she doesn’t seem to mind too much.

TP Monster

A mom constructed a cookie monster costume complete with a tutu for her daughter. The toddler decided she wanted to be a toilet paper monster instead.

A Squeeze

Dogs come in all shapes and sizes so it’s no wonder that finding the proper fit is a chore. This poor dinosaur costume looks like it’s stretched to the brink.

Nothing But Neck

Cats are not dogs as the owner of this cat found out after trying to fit a dog costume on her cat. Ah, life is good.

Not Great

It seems like the costume didn’t fit as described. We pray for this poor child if they attended school in this disaster.


It’s tough out there these days. This costume looks like the dog just through a teddy bear’s face.

The Hulk

Making your own Halloween outfit can be a fun exercise or it can be this. Proportions are always something you want to keep in mind. Or not! This works on another level.


This child was not supposed to look like a pregnant dinosaur but it happened. We suppose she can use the extra room up front to store her Halloween candy.

Needed Some Air

For this little fella, the weather ended up warmer than the forecast. Mom knew exactly what to do to cool him down.


Whoever made this costume put the junk on the trunk. Just pretend it’s a unicorn costume?

Not a Thriller

“First time making homemade costumes for my kids,” this parent wrote. May this not be her last because this is gold.

This Pterodactyl

A fully grown adult constructed this costume that’s supposed to make them look like a pterodactyl. They did a poll at a Halloween party to see how many people could correctly guess that. The majority of responders thought the costume was a mosquito and only one person correctly identified the flying dinosaur.

Baby Shark

Baby blew through their shark costume and they don’t look too pleased about it. Dry your tears, little one. Candy for chomping is on the way!

Who You Gonna Call?

New rule: all pugs must be dressed as Slimer from Ghostbusters. It’s something so wrong that it’s right.


Please send thoughts and prayers because we are dead.


Brilliant. Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t turn a loaf of bread and a piece of cardboard into a costume. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

Plant Lady Remix

The woman who created this “plant lady” costumes explained that she accidentally messed up the shirt to say “lady plant” but decided to roll with anyway.


The baby looks like an insect larva with a blue scarf on. The person who shared this image explained that their newborn is larger than most and that’s why this did not fit.


Good luck sitting at a desk in a classroom with this on. This child is in the sixth grade and we wish him the best.

Completely Bananas

By all means, live your best fantasy. This banana/Wolverine hybrid has us so confused for so many reasons.

Just the Monster Part

This actually isn’t that funny, instead, we find it terrifying. What possessed the cookie monster and turned it into this?

Boa Mishaps Happen

Pro tip: don’t shave your armpits unless you want to. However, when wearing a faux feather boa, know that certain risks are involved.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 25 Hilarious DIY Fails That Will Make You Facepalm

We Give Up

This is not so great! Please, do not dress your toddler up like this.

There you go! 25 costume fails that will help make this Halloween a little more hilarious. We hope you learned what not to do. Please be sure to document your fails and share them because we honestly can’t get enough.

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