Mamas Uncut

What Can I Do to Treat My Baby’s Worsening Diaper Rash?

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QUESTION: How Can I Cure My 11-Month-Old’s Worsening Diaper Rash?

“My 11-month-old has diaper rash for two weeks now. It’s only getting worse, have been using Bepanthen all the time.

It was getting a small bit better, but he had a dirty nappy last night as he had diarrhea constantly as well; he must have been in it awhile he didn’t even winge!

Today it’s so bad; he has blisters! Any tips on how to help it heal quickly? I use Sudocrem after every nappy change when he doesn’t even have a rash, so it must be the teething or a stomach bug.”

RELATED: What Can I Do to Treat a Diaper Rash That Just Keeps Coming Back?

Community Answers

“Could be a yeast infection if it’s not going away & a moist environment from regular creams and ointments will make it worse.”

“Sounds like a yeast infection not just a diaper rash.”

“Sounds like it could be a yeast infection ….I’d say see if doctor will check and they can give you nystatin it’s a powder or cream …..even go get some yeast infection tion cream from Walmart I hope your little one clears up soon.”

“Are you sure it’s not a yeast infection? This happened to me with my daughter and I ended up taking her to the doctor to find out that it was a yeast infection.”

“Use burnt flour, heat flour in dry fry pan over medium heat till all brown. It stinks up your house for awhile but worth it. World’s really well. Let cool then dust on bottom every diaper change. I’m serious it really works.”

“Corn starch, let it air dry if its getting worse I’d take him to get it looked at it could be a yeast infection. My little one had it and I thought it was a normal diaper rash.”

“It’s been two weeks, he now has blisters take him to the doctor! It sounds like a fungal infection (yeast) and he may need a prescription. Definitely let him air out no diaper and don’t use anything with a scent to it like baby wipes, which can cause it to burn and hurt.”

“Best remedy for diaper rash is egg white, I used it on my son worked marvelously, my paediatrician gave me that remedy.”

“Ask your doctor to call in a script for Nystatin. It is a miracle prescription. Ask for the large tube so you have more on hand for next time. It literally works overnight. Most likely yeast associated if it is not getting better! Best of luck!”

“It may be a yeast rash! Soak him in a corn starch bath and then apply the 7day monistat with desitin on top… Sounds crazy but works wonders!! The corn starch relieves the sting of the rash.”

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

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