Mamas Uncut

Alec and Hilaria Baldwin Welcome Secret Baby, 5 Months After Their Last Birth Announcement


Surprise! Hilaria Baldwin, along with her husband, have pulled off one of the best-kept celebrity secrets ever after announcing the arrival of their sixth child just five months after her son Eduardo was born. The announcement which was made on Instagram stunned fans who had no idea that Hilaria and Alec Baldwin were expecting yet another baby so soon after their last.

The photo announcement shows Hilaria cradling a newborn next to Eduardo, surrounded by her other young children: 2-year-old son Romeo Alejandro David, 4-year-old son Leonardo Ángel Charles, 5-year-old son Rafael Thomas, and 7-year-old daughter Carmen Gabriela. She captions the photo “7” as a reference to her six small children and Alec’s 25-year-old daughter, Ireland Baldwin, from a previous relationship with Kim Basinger.

Stunning fans, Hilaria Baldwin shared a photo of herself surrounded by her known small children plus a newborn.

Comments have been turned off on Hilaria’s Instagram account and the Baldwins have declined to comment or to reveal their newborn’s name.

In an interview in April of 2020, shortly after Hilaria made the news of her pregnancy with Eduardo public, Hilaria did hint at the fact that she was planning on having even more children after him. She said this before he was even born so it could be our clearest clue ever that this was in the works.

RELATED: Hilaria Baldwin Considers Next Pregnancy Days After Announcing Current One

Hilaria had suffered a couple of miscarriages in 2019 which were devastating to her and her family. She had hoped she would become pregnant with a child so that her 7-year-old daughter could have a little sister. Then, the Baldwins learned they were pregnant with Eduardo.

“After the last experience, I do really dream about giving her a sister at some point,” Hilaria says, referring to previous miscarriages she’d experienced in 2019. “And who knows? Maybe this is going to be the last baby I have and maybe there will be another; I don’t really know at this point. I don’t really care to plan too much anymore. A healthy baby is such a blessing.”

RELATED: Hilaria Baldwin Is Pregnant with Baby No. 5, and She Says She Won’t Stop Until She Has Another Girl

Earlier this year, Hilaria was embroiled in a scandal involving her fabricated Spanish heritage, which prompted the health guru to take a brief leave from social media.

“There’s things that have been said lately about people that I love, that I care about deeply, which are ridiculous,” Alec wrote about the controversy at the time. “I mean, just ridiculous.”

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After her return, she revealed that she had “spent the last month listening, reflecting, and asking myself how I can learn and grow,” elaborating that she and Alec were “raising our children to share the same love and respect for both [cultures]. Being vulnerable and pushing ourselves to learn and grow is what we’ve built our community on, and I hope to get back to the supportive and kind environment we’ve built together.”

This family sure knows how to land themselves in the spotlight for better or worse! We are so pleased that Hilaria has had another child and that her family continues to grow.

Alec and Hilaria Baldwin Welcome Secret Baby, 5 Months After Their Last Birth Announcement

This is complete speculation and has not been confirmed yet, but the pink onesie of the baby in the birth announcement could hint that she might have delivered that little sister for Carmen. While we await confirmation on that, we hope Hilaria and the entire Baldwin family are enjoying this special time together.

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