Mamas Uncut

Feeling Down in the Dumps? 10 Holistic Ways to Get Out of Your Funk

We are living in such a strange and unprecedented time right now.  The stress, feelings of isolation & helplessness, and constant change over the past 18 months have really taken its toll on people. So this article was created to help you get out of your funk using 10 holistic approaches.

As someone that struggled with severe depression, anxiety, and panic attacks for most of my life, I have learned that when I am in a funk, it becomes extra critical that I do something to shift my energy and mindset.


My name is Laura Dillon and I am a Holistic Health Coach. I am the Founder of Holistic Life Community and I am passionate about teaching and educating people about natural and holistic ways to find balance, peace, and happiness in life.  

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Here are 10 holistic approaches to shift your energy and get out of your funk.

1. Breath – Just taking a deep breath can help diffuse a fight or flight response. That feeling of panic or anger that may sweep over in seconds. Here is an easy breathing technique that you can do anywhere.  Inhale for a count of 4 seconds, then hold your breath for 7 seconds and then exhale for a count of 9 seconds. Do this 4 times.


2. Be In Nature – Getting up and walking outside to get some fresh air and to be around trees in a park, the ocean, or just in your backyard can calm your anxiety response. In fact, doctors now prescribe a walk in nature as a remedy. A dose of nature: doctors prescribe a day in the park for anxiety.

3. Listen to Music – Turn on that song that moves you.  Whether it gets you up to want to dance or relaxes you, listening to music can have tremendous positive effects on the body and mind.  Studies have shown that it elevates mood and motivation, improves focus, and reduces stress. 

4. Stretch – Taking 5 or 10 minutes to bend and stretch can increase circulation and blood flow to your brain as well as to the rest of your body. Touching your toes or stretching your arms above your head and reaching one arm at the time toward the sky can not only feel good but also wake you up.


5. Drink Water – The human body is made up of 60% water. A 2% change in hydration levels can cause many side effects such as fatigue, depression, headaches, joint pain, etc. You should be drinking half of your body weight in ounces. If you weigh 150 lbs you should be drinking at least 75 oz of water…and more if you drink diuretic beverages such as coffee or tea.

6. Meditate – Sitting quietly and closing your eyes to calm your mind for 5-10 minutes can relax the body and really change your mindset in a stressful situation. Just the visualization of the ocean, a peaceful park, or a happy memory can move the body from a sympathetic (stressful state) to a parasympathetic state ( a state of rest and repair). 

7. Exercise – Exercise has always been one of my key tools to fight depression.  I never exercised for my weight, it was always to release stress or to change my mindset.  That is because when you exercise your body produces endorphins AKA a “Runners High”.   This study by Harvard says that “Exercise is as effective as antidepressants in some cases.”

8. Laugh – One of my favorite things to do with my kids is to watch funny pet videos. As a dog family, there is nothing funnier for us than watching dogs do silly things. Laughter can reduce stress, increase energy, and strengthen the immune system. This guide about the relationship between laughter and depression is a great read.


9. Power Nap – Closing your eyes and taking a 10-20 minute power nap can be very beneficial. Studies show it can improve problem-solving skills, memory function, and feelings of sleepiness and fatigue. The science behind power naps, and why they’re so damn good for you

10. Tap. Tap. Tap.  –  Have you heard of The Tapping Solution by Nick Ortner? Tapping is a process where you press on different points on your body or “acupressure points” to calm and destress the body.  This technique is based on Traditional Chinese Medicine.  It’s based on the same process Acupuncture.