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I’m Secretly a Witch But I Don’t Know How to Tell My Family That I’m Practicing Witchcraft

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QUESTION: How Can I Tell My Family That I Am A Witch?

“Any other mommy witches out there? How do you come out of the “broom closet” to your family? I recently got into witchcraft and fell in love with it, but my family is very Christian, and I know they will have a huge issue with it. I don’t like hiding my true self but I don’t want to lose my family either. Has anyone been in the same situation?”

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Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“For me religion is a deeply personal thing so unless they asked I wouldn’t say much. No sense in hiding but I wouldn’t flaunt it either I guess. I also respect other people’s beliefs when I’m in their home though, so if they means blessing the food or letting them pray it’s no big deal.”

“I came out in high school. My mom was like ‘it’s just a phase you’ll grow out of it,’ but later was like ‘you mind if I read that book’ lol she wasn’t upset anymore once she learned about what I was actually doing, and soon very supportive. So educating your family about what you are doing is probably the best way to get them to understand. My mom started calling me her moon child and I loved it.”

“Just like you want to be respected for your life style, you have to show them the same amount of respect for theirs. Honestly some might fear you and not want you in their home, some might ask questions out of interest and others may lecture you. Have respect, patience and kindness.”

“‘Just let them know what is happening and they will either be ok or not. It sounds like you are expecting this to be a huge thing so if that’s the case try talking to a more open minded person in your family first to gauge what the concerns may be from others then go from there. You are exactly right that you should not hide who you are but that doesn’t mean you stick it to people who disagree. Good luck and I hope it goes smoothly.”

“If it’s important to you that they know just come out with it. They will either be open or not, and there’s not much you can do to help it one way or another. One thing that I’ve found with people who are open is that you can show them just how many elements of witchcraft are instilled even in mundane things and their own religion. Blowing out birthday candles, tossing salt over your left shoulder, religious alters (even for Jesus and Saints). They might be able to see that your beliefs aren’t too far from their own. There are even Christian witches!”

“As a Christian, I feel like they should offer nothing but love and respect. I know that’s not always the case with Christians as I have seen recently when people have differing beliefs. Hopefully as long as you respect their beliefs they will respect yours! Good luck.”

“Do what you feel is right. If they don’t accept it or think it’s crazy that’s a reflection of who they are not you. I don’t support certain religions but I respect them.”

“Maybe you can ask them to read a book on Wicca that would introduce them to the practices & ask for their opinions after, like your family’s personal summer book club reading of something you found fascinating. Then you can gauge where to go from there.”

“I am a Christian so therefore I am not going to JUDGE YOU on this. But I have also educated myself on Wicca as well to better understand my friends. It’s really not that bad. It’s basically yoga of the mind. I don’t know why people make a big deal out of it. But anyways, love and light to you. I just wouldn’t tell them. Most people are very closed-minded and can’t understand things like this.”

“I’m a Christian and very good friend with a witch. We had a deep talk the other day and explained it to me. All the stereotypes and myths. Good conversation and more knowledgeable now. Understanding and respect go a long way. I would just say please respect my spirituality as I would respect yours.”

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