Mamas Uncut

Are Their Doctors Who Will Do Ultrasounds When You Ask Them? I Need One for Peace of Mind

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QUESTION: Will doctors do ultrasounds if you ask them to?

“We lost our youngest baby on May 12th, 2020. It’s been really rough. My husband brought up having one more baby. I just said when it is supposed to happen; it will. Well, on the 24th, we found out we’re expecting our rainbow baby. I’m so terrified, scared, and worried. I want my doctor to be as concerned as I am because our last two babies were born with the cord around their neck/body.

My son was just very lucky to survive where our daughter didn’t. All my pregnancies have been very healthy and strong. I’ve had five, including one we lost and this baby now. Will doctors do more ultrasounds if requested? I have a place to go for more ultrasounds if not, the only thing is they can’t medically say something is wrong, it isn’t a doctor or anything. Just place to get more pics and the stuff of the baby. Should I switch doctors if she can’t make my request? I just need little advice, please. I don’t know what to really do at the moment.”

RELATED: Q&A: I Am Pregnant And Don’t Feel Like Myself Anymore: When Does This Pass?


Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Go to a high-risk doctor. They take everything more seriously and I would say two losses is enough to be high risk. My regular OB was amazing after my having lost the first pregnancy. We did a fetal scan at 10 weeks again at 15 again at 20. Go to a doctor who takes you seriously. Praying this pregnancy and delivery are healthy and end with you and baby healthy and strong.”

“Depends on your doctor. Just have to ask about the ultrasounds. My doctor does them often including 4D and I can always request one when he doesn’t do one and the tech will do it. My doctor has everything in-house so I don’t have to go anywhere different or a schedule with anyone different in the practice.”

“I was high risk with my pregnancy and also very worried the whole time something was going to happen to the baby. They did an awesome job at monitoring me the whole time at the high-risk doctor. But even with that, I purchased an at-home doppler. They actually work pretty well. It helped me and calmed my fears a little bit more to lay and listen to my baby’s heartbeat.”

“If your doctor won’t do the ultrasounds, find one who will. Maybe even request to be seen by a perinatologist if that’s possible. I’m so sorry for the loss of your precious babe. Sending you love and strength and many prayers for a healthy uneventful pregnancy.”

“Definitely bring up your concerns and they tend to be more cautious when you loose a baby and have a history of things of that nature. Praying for you, the baby and your family.”

“Seek a high risk OB. I have appointments weekly starting at 30 weeks with ultrasounds each time. At 36 weeks I started going twice a week. You need an OB who is concerned about the risks.”

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