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Am I At Risk of Losing My Job Because I Didn’t Disclose I Am 20-Weeks Pregnant?

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QUESTION: Could I Lose My Job Because I Didn’t Tell My Employer I Was Pregnant?

“Am I at risk of losing my job?

I just took a new job and didn’t disclose that I’m over 20 weeks pregnant. Does anyone know if I’m at risk of losing my job after I have the baby?

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Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“It’s illegal for pregnancy alone to disqualify you from being hired for a position and there’s a reason that asking questions about your medical background are not allowed – it’s discrimination to make hiring decisions based on the health of the applicant. But depending on the laws of your state they may not have to give a reason for firing you so they can get around it by finding some other official reason for termination…

… But you are legally entitled to time off to care for your child after it is born (not necessarily paid though), and you are not required to disclose a pregnancy or any other medical history for hiring. Depending on the job’s usual schedule for benefits etc you may not be eligible for coverage under their usual maternity leave plan if you won’t be covered by their insurance in that time period for your role. If they have indicated in any way that your pregnancy is the reason for your firing or have said they wouldn’t have hired you if they’d known you were pregnant, try to get screenshots of anything in writing and get some legal counsel for it.”

“I’m pretty sure that’s discrimination if they fire you for it, I don’t think you have to disclose that.”

“They can’t discriminate against you because you’re pregnant as long as you can perform all tasks required in your job title. As long as you’re pregnancy doesn’t hinder your performance as an employee they can’t do anything.”

“Are you in a “right to work” state? They can fire you for pretty much any reason. You have to work 1250 hours in 1 calendar year at the employer (if they have 50 plus employees) to be considered for FMLA. And also if you take their insurance be careful, if you decide not to return to work after the baby is born and your employer paid anything on your insurance they can ask for all of that back.”

“Depending on your job duties. It asks in applications (I’m in Louisiana) do you have any medical conditions for not doing certain things. Like lifting heavy things. I think you should have told them before you were hired. It’s being dishonest.”

“They cannot discriminate due to pregnancy. If they do and fire you specifically for that reason got to the EEOC and file a claim against them. But you will not qualify for FMLA so do not expect a paid LOA and they also do not have to hold your job for you to return back to.”

“Nope. It’s illegal to discriminate against someone for being pregnant and the leave you take is under the order of a doctor and protected by the Family Medical Leave Act. You will be fine… It’s sad that women have to hide a pregnancy to get a job because even though it’s illegal they will discriminate against you.”

“Depends on the state. If it’s a right to work stated they can fire you for any reason any time You may say it’s because of pregnancy but they may say nope her productivity was low I think it was not a good choice to not inform them. Some of your benefits won’t kick in probably paid medical leave and i know FMLA won’t you have to work 12 continual months for that My hubby hired a employee pregnant once. Lots of people do.”

“Depends on the job requirements and if being pregnant prevents you from completely your requirements adequately. Or if it’s an at will state and the boss is a dick. Also they would not have to hold your job for you when you go on maternity leave because you will not have been employed for 12 months which is the requirement.”

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