Mamas Uncut

28 Deeply Meaningful Tattoo Ideas

In a way, all tattoos hold personal value and meaning. However, there are meaningful tattoos out there that convey their message in a more powerful manner. These tattoos symbolize an idea, a political statement, a cause that’s close to heart, and even celebrate the ones we love most. An excellent feature of the most meaningful tattoos is that they are often singular, unique, and one of a kind.

For the best tattoo, conceive an idea for your design that you’ve never seen on anyone else. The more original and fitting for you, the more meaningful and personal the design will turn out. So, as you look through this list of meaningful tattoos, make sure that you’re getting ideas and not outright ripping off someone else’s design. After all, your tattoo should hold meaning that’s tailored to your own point of view. Let’s take a look at some inspired designs to help you get started on your tattoo journey.

Find the Best Ways to Achieve a Meaningful Tattoo Below!

A Lotus


The lotus flower is an ancient symbol of resilience, rebirth, and peace. In the above example, we find an extremely delicate design that was hand-poked with plenty of tiny dots for texture.



We find the word “women” with some symbols in this meaningful tattoo. For women’s history month, you could do no better.

Symbols Down the Spine


There are a variety of symbols in this back tattoo that reaches up the spine. While each has a different story to tell, most are about growth, awakening, and enlightenment.



“This symbol is actually [an] ancient Celtic script for the word ‘clan’ (family),” the artist who shared the image explained. Something similar would be a perfect way to celebrate your heritage.

A Memory Captured


The person with this thrilling, meaningful tattoo explained that it captured a specific moment that they wanted to be memorialized. It certainly look meditative and peaceful.

A Symbol of Prayer


We all practice our spirituality (or lack thereof) in different ways. In this meaningful tattoo, we find a symbol of faith with a beautifully tattooed rosary.

In Honor of a Friend


This handsome tattoo is a tribute to a friend who was a rock climber. That makes it such a special and meaningful tattoo.

On Staying Above Water


The person who shared this image expressed a need to remember to “stay above water.” It’s a slightly creepy tattoo but it’s been done exceptionally well.

A Robin for Mom


This robin tattoo is in honor of the person’s mom. We find an energetic watercolor effect here that really pops. If you look closely at the branch, you’ll find a meaningful date.

A Reminder


The person who shared this tattoo captioned it: “To live in the present moment is a miracle. The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green Earth in the present moment, to appreciate the peace and beauty that are available now.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

A Quilt from a Loved One


As a tribute to a relative, this person looked at a quilt to find inspiration for their meaningful tattoo. That was a smart idea as this design is so very sentimental.

Growing Your Own Way


So many of the meaningful tattoos we encountered while researching them are about personal growth. Here’s another example that pairs a face with botanical elements in an excellent way.

For the Fur Baby


Our pets mean so much to us so it should come as no surprise that they are well-represented among meaningful tattoos. If you want your little bud with you forever, consider something similar.

Ballerina Pointe Shoes


For their mother, this person got ballerina shoes. It’s done in a traditional style which really looks excellent. Honoring the ones who raised and care for us is always a wise decision.

RELATED: 25 Tattoos with Ashes That Forever Memorialize the Passing of a Loved One

A Measure


This is one of our favorite meaningful tattoos on this list. It was gotten in honor of someone who works as a carpenter. The artist has really put their spin on it and made it pop for all the right reasons.

On Consent


“No means, no,” this meaningful tattoo about consent says. As the #MeToo movement has shown us, the need for consent is so important to maintain safe boundaries and relationships.

Honoring Mom


Honoring this person’s mother’s place of birth was the goal of this tattoo which depicts an island in Turkey. What a heartfelt design that’s filled with minute details. Bravo!

Still Beautiful


“Broken but still beautiful,” this tattoo says beneath a vase that’s been cracked through the middle. It’s a sweet sentiment that asks us to remember to be kind to ourselves and that our mistakes do not define us.

A Flower for Each Child


Aren’t these daffodils breathtaking? They look as if they’ve been painted on instead of tattooed. Each flower represents one of this person’s babies. What a cute idea!

On Mental Health


“A semicolon is used when the author could’ve ended their sentence but chose not to. The author is you and the sentence is your life.” That quote is so meaningful for those struggling with mental health. The semicolon is a powerful symbol of solidarity and hope.

A Wish for Peace


This famous symbol created by Picasso finds a minimalist dove holding an olive branch. While you might be in good company with a tattoo like it, there’s no denying the power of the image to promote peace.

A Minimalist Take


Friendship tattoos come in all shapes and forms. For this pair, it took just two circles to become meaningful tattoos and symbols of their love for one another. Understated and sophisticated, these tattoos are a hit.

For the Missing


This tattoo serves as a memorial for all of the missing and murdered indigenous women, the artist who shared the image explained. What a haunting tribute to an issue that isn’t getting enough attention. It’s one of the most moving meaningful tattoos on this list.

Breast Cancer Awareness


The pink ribbon, of course, is the symbol for breast cancer awareness. While you can easily choose a simple pink ribbon for your tattoo, you’d be missing an opportunity. As you can see, this person has got botanical and ornamental elements worked into the design along with symbols that relate.

A Girl Named Anise


We find a star anise pod here in tribute to a girl named Anise. Not all of us are so lucky to have a name that names something beautiful in nature, but if you or a loved one does, you know what to do!

Rise Again


The mythical phoenix has been in our collective consciousness ever since ancient Greek times. It symbolizes rebirth, renewal, and endurance. Its myth is tied closely to the sun that sets and rises again and again.



Symbols of LGBTQIA+ Pride are powerful representations of solidarity and love. The choice to “fill” the wings of the butterfly with a rainbow was an interesting one. There is also a slight ombré that brings plenty of visual interest.

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Zibu Symbol


This angelic Zibu symbol represents new beginnings. Isn’t it so handsome? Symbols are excellent for your meaningful tattoo.

There you go! Now you know the best ways to make a meaningful tattoo as touching as possible. Ultimately, your tattoo is for you and you alone. So, no matter how you convey the desired meaning, just make sure you’re being true to yourself and expressing the idea in a way that pleases you and you alone.