Mamas Uncut

My 14-Month-Old Has Started Wetting Herself During Naps: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her 14-month old child. She says she has started wetting herself every time she goes down for a nap or to sleep. This mom has tried different diapers, but they have not solved the problem.

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A member of the community asks:

“My 14-month-old keeps wetting herself during naps: Advice? I’m a first-time mom to a beautiful 14-month-old daughter, but I keep having an issue with her peeing herself when she naps or goes to sleep. We have tried going up a size in pampers, we were using pamper Swaddlers, and now we switched to pampers cruisers since she is running around everywhere. But going up a size and switching to cruisers has not changed the peeing problem! She still does take a bottle before bed of 6oz of milk and one more during the night.

Usually, after a couple of hours of sleep, she already pees herself. Since she is too young to stop liquids before bed, I’m wondering if any other mommas had this issue and what I can do to stop it. We also prefer not to change her at night unless she pees herself because she cries and hates getting changed in her sleep since about nine months old, and this problem had just started a couple of weeks ago! Any tips or tricks are appreciated!”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Whose Baby Daughter Wets Herself During Every Nap

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“I always had problems with leaking in pampers. I switched to Luvs and never had an issue. Just out of curiosity we tried the Members mark brand and they work well too!! Maybe not give her a bottle in the middle of the night? Cause my 10-month-old has a bottle before bed and she stays asleep until morning.”

“Sometimes their bladders aren’t developed as much. And it’s okay. Just use overnight diapers. Your baby is just that. A baby. She’ll get there.”

“Get the night nappies, baby love night pants, size 2-4, I find they are a good snug fit, even on my 17-month-old, now that he’s a bit bigger I’ve gone to the Huggies Drynites, they hold so much more and have a good seal so no leaking at all, my boys always filled his nappies every nap.”

“She’s not too young to stop liquids before bed. We had the same problem and cut off drinks an hour before bedtime.”

“I had this issue when my boys were round 2. They wet through every brand of nappy. I just had to wash sheets every day. It was so frustrating but I honestly never found a solution other than waterproof sheets to save the mattress. Safe to say I was so happy when they toilet trained!”

“She’s young enough that wetting herself while sleeping is completely normal. You will have to change a child while sleeping until they start to potty train.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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