I’m a Stay at Home Mom and Don’t Contribute for Our Family Financially; I Feel Terrible About It: Any Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice. She is a stay at home mom, so she doesn’t contribute to her family financially. She feels terrible about it. Everything they own is in her husband’s name. She also feels like she has to ask to buy anything since it is his income. Her husband feels it is their money, but she still feels bad. Any advice for this mom?

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A member of the community asks:

“I’m a stay at home mom. I feel lousy that I do not contribute financially to this family at all. Our cars, house everything, is because of my husband but it’s also all in his name. I am so thankful for him and everything he has given us, but I just feel like nothing is ours; it’s just his. I always ask before buying anything, even stuff for the baby or groceries. Even though he says it’s ‘our money’ or ‘our house’, I just don’t feel that way. How do you other moms get over this?”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Wanting to Help

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary


Most of the advice for this mom was supporting her and trying to help her. Many felt that there were ways she could contribute financially to her family. One shared, “I went and got a job.” Another suggested, “Maybe you can do something from home to bring in extra cash. Just an example, but you create and sell natural soap bars from home, as well as natural body products. You can learn to do anything with access to the internet.”

Others gave more suggestions to try to help this mom. One commented, “I’d just tell him how you feel and maybe he’ll have some ideas on how to help.” Another advised, “Call your local daycares. When you find out what they charge you’ll realize exactly how much you’re saving your family.” A commenter encouraged, “You contribute by raising and teaching your kids every day. Kids flourish so much more when they have their parents every day teaching them rather than being in daycare.”

Some commenters shared similar feelings they are having with this problem. One shared, “I kind of feel the same way. Fiancé owns his own business while I stay home with the kids. I am not someone who likes to rely on someone else especially when it comes to money. He says all I have to do is ask and he’ll give it to me but I don’t like it.” Another said, “I feel the exact same way. He says it’s ours but everything is in his name. I started hobbies that I could do while the baby was asleep or the others were in school and got the hang of them and then began selling them.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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