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100 Most Beautiful Sounding Baby Names Chosen Using ‘Sound Symbolism’

What are the most beautiful sounding baby names? All baby names may be beautiful in their own way, but there are usually some that stand out more than the rest. Why is this? Perhaps our individual sense of taste and fashion determines what we find to be aesthetically pleasing. But science has another hypothesis to offer. My 1st Years, a popular parenting website, teamed up with Dr. Bodo Winter from the University of Birmingham (the one in the UK), who specializes in iconicity (or “sound symbolism“) and its associated research. As it turns out, certain names sound better than others.

Dr. Winter analyzed a collection of America’s most prevalent baby names to discover which ones were aesthetically pleasing from a scientific perspective. After their study, they highlighted fifty attractive girl names and fifty appeasing boy names. Now, let’s start counting down the most beautiful sounding baby names according to linguistics – starting with female names and then moving on to male ones! We can’t wait to hear your reaction to these findings!

The Most Beautiful Sounding Baby Names for Girls Determined by Sound Symbolism

Hannah, Elizabeth, Grace, and Nora

50. Hannah – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “grace”

49. Elizabeth – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “pledged to God”

48. Grace – An English virtue name (of which there are many other names)

47. Nora – An Irish short form of Honora, from Greek, meaning “light”

Serenity, Harper, Aria, and Alice

46. Serenity – An English virtue name (we told you there’d be more!)

45. Harper – An English occupational name for a “harp player”

44. Aria – A name of Italian origin meaning “air” or “melody” AND a name of Hebrew origin, meaning “lion”

43. Alice – A name of German origin, meaning “noble”

Aurora, Kennedy, Autumn, and Maria

42. Aurora – A name of Latin origin, meaning “dawn”

41. Kennedy – A name of Irish origin, meaning “misshapen head”

40. Autumn – One of the most beautiful sounding baby names and the most attractive seasonal name, beating Summer, April, Winter, etc.

39. Maria – A name of Hebrew or Egyptian origin that can mean “bitter,” “pearl,” “drop in the sea,” and “beloved”

Athena, Hazel, Stella, and Charlotte

38. Athena – A name from Greek mythology, meaning “of Athens”

37. Hazel – A name of English origin, meaning “hazelnut tree”

36. Stella – A name of Latin or Persian origin, meaning “star”

35. Charlotte – A name of French origin, meaning “free man”

Savannah, Amelia, Natalia, and Maya

34. Savannah – A name of Spanish origin, meaning “tropical grassland”

33. Amelia – A name of German origin, meaning “productive”

32. Natalia – A name of Russian origin, meaning “Christmas”

31. Maya – A multicultural name with countless meanings, making it one of the most beautiful sounding baby names that’s a hit in several languages

Isabella, Victoria, Ella, and Luna

30. Isabella – A Latinate form of a Hebrew name related to Elizabeth, meaning “pledged to God”

29. Victoria – A name of Latin origin, meaning “victory”

28. Ella – A name of English and German origin meaning “fairy maiden” or “completely”

27. Luna – A name of Latin origin, meaning “moon”

Bella, Violet, Eleanor, and Sofia

26. Bella – A name of Italian origin, meaning “beauty”

25. Violet – An English name of Latin origin, meaning “purple”

24. Eleanor – An English name from French, meaning unknown

23. Sofia – A name of Greek origin that means “wisdom”

Natalie, Emma, Naomi, and Olivia

22. Natalie – A French form of Natalia, meaning “Christmas”

21. Emma – A name of German origin, meaning “universal”

20. Naomi – A name of Hebrew origin that means “pleasantness”

19. Olivia – A name of Latin origin, meaning “olive tree”

Lily, Lucy, Penelope, and Nova

18. Lily – One of the most popular English flower names that happens to be one of the most beautiful sounding baby names as well

17. Lucy – An English short form of the Italian name, Lucia, meaning “light”

16. Penelope – A name of Greek origin, meaning “weaver”

15. Nova – A name of Latin origin, meaning “new”

Chloe, Elena, Eva, and Evelyn

14. Chloe – A name of Greek origin, meaning “young, green shoot”

13. Elena – A Pan-European form of Helen, meaning “bright”

12. Eva – A Latin form of Eve, meaning “life”

11. Evelyn – A name of English origin, meaning “desired” or “island”

Emily, Ellie, Willow, and Paisley

10. Emily – A name of Latin origin, meaning “rival”

9. Ellie – An English diminutive form of Eleanor or Ellen, meaning “bright”

8. Willow – An English tree name

7. Paisley – A name of Scottish origin, meaning “church”

Ivy, Riley, and Sophie

6. Ivy – An English botanical name

5. Riley – A name of English or Irish origin, meaning “rye clearing” or “courageous”

4. Sophie – A French name from Greek, meaning “wisdom”

Everly, Zoe, and Sophia

3. Everly – A name of English origin, meaning “boar” and “wood clearing”

2. Zoe – A name of Greek origin, meaning “life”

1. Sophia – The most beautiful sounding baby name for a girl according to sound symbolism, Sophia is a name of Greek origin, meaning “wisdom”

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The Most Beautiful Sounding Baby Names for Boys Found Using Sound Symbolism

Adrian, Sebastian, Muhammad, and Dylan

50. Adrian – A name of Greek origin, meaning “of Adria”

49. Sebastian – A Latin name from Greek, meaning “of Sebastia”

48. Muhammad – A name of Arabic origin, meaning “praiseworthy”

47. Dylan – A name of Welsh origin, meaning “son of the sea”

Hunter, David, Daniel, and Kingston

46. Hunter – An English occupational name for “a hunter”

45. David – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “beloved”

44. Daniel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my judge”

43. Kingston – A name of English origin, meaning “king’s town”

Gabriel, Adam, Theodore, and Alexander

42. Gabriel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God is my strength”

41. Adam – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “son of the red earth”

40. Theodore – A name of Greek origin, meaning “gift of God”

39. Alexander – A name of Greek origin, meaning “defending men”

Cameron, Andrew, Jackson, and Asher

38. Cameron – A name of Scottish origin, meaning “crooked nose”

37. Andrew – A name of Greek origin, meaning “strong and manly”

36. Jackson – A name of English origin, meaning “Jack’s son”

35. Asher– A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “fortunate”

Nathan, Mason, Lincoln, and Jacob

34. Nathan – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “given”

33. Mason – An English occupational name for a “stoneworker”

32. Lincoln – A name of English origin, meaning “town by the pool”

31. Jacob – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “supplanter”

Henry, Lucas, Benjamin, and Carter

30, Henry – A name of German origin, meaning “manor ruler”

29. Lucas – A Latinate form of Luke, meaning “from Lucania”

28. Benjamin – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “son of the right hand”

27. Carter – An English occupational name for a “cart maker” or “driver”

Ezekiel, Anthony, Maverick, and Jack

26. Ezekiel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “God strengthens”

25. Anthony – A name of Latin origin, meaning “from Antium”

24. Maverick – An American name, meaning “nonconformist”

23. Jack – An English form of John, from Hebrew, meaning “God is gracious”

Cooper, Ryan, Roman, and Liam

22. Cooper – An English occupational name for a “barrel maker”

21. Ryan -A name of Irish origin, meaning “little king”

20. Roman – A name of Latin origin, meaning “citizen of Rome”

19. Liam – An Irish diminutive form of William, from German, meaning “steadfast protector”

Logan, Owen, Santiago, and Noah

18. Logan – A Scottish habitational name, meaning “small hollow”

17. Owen – A name of Welsh origin, meaning “young warrior”

16. Santiago – A name of Latin origin, meaning “Saint James”

15. Noah -A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “rest”

Luke, Elijah, James, and Miles

14. Luke – A name of Greek origin, meaning “from Lucania”

13. Elijah – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “Yahweh is God”

12. James – A name of Hebrew origin, an English form of Jacob, meaning “supplanter”

11. Miles – An English name from Latin and Old German, meaning “soldier”

Samuel, Isaac, Theo, and Joseph

10. Samuel – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “told by God”

9. Isaac – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “laughter”

8. Theo – A diminutive form of Theodore, from Greek, meaning “divine gift”

7. Joseph – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “Jehovah increases”

Leo, Levi, and Isaiah

6. Leo – A name of Latin origin, meaning “lion”

5. Levi – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “joined”

4. Isaiah – A name of Hebrew origin, meaning “Salvation of the Lord”

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William, Julian, and Matthew

3. William – A name of German origin, meaning “resolute protector”

2. Julian – A name of Latin origin, meaning “youthful”

1. Matthew – Of all the most beautiful sounding baby names for boys, Matthew tops the list; it is of Hebrew origin, meaning “gift of God”

There you go! Now you know all the most beautiful sounding baby names in the US found using sound symbolism. We hope you found these names to be as handsome as science does!