Mamas Uncut

Have Any Other Parents Been Forced to Quit Their Jobs Because of COVID-19 Related School Closures?

A mom writes in asking for advice about being forced to quit her job because of COVID-19 related school closures. She says that, because her son’s school will not be doing in-person learning as a result of the ongoing pandemic, she is going to have to quit her job in order to be home with him while he does online school. She asks other parents who may be in a similar situation for advice about how she can make such a massive change work for her family effectively.

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A member of the community asks:

“Is anyone forced to quit their job due to COVID?

Not really parent-related but wanted to see if anyone else has tried and applied. Is anyone forced to quit their job because of their children not going back to school? Did you file for the pandemic unemployment? If so, was it accepted?

My son’s school isn’t going back this year and doing virtual learning, so I am going to have to quit my job to stay home with him, and I know you can qualify for the PUA unemployment if you needed to do so due to this virus. I am just not sure how this works as I have never had to do it before.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Is Being Forced to Quit Her Job Because of COVID-19-Related School Closures

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Advice Summary

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“As far as I know you can only file for unemployment if you LOSE your job, not if you quit. I qualified because everyone in my company was let go.”

“Yes, however pandemic unemployment under the cares act has expired. We will see if they come up with something else.”

“Before you quit you should look into local daycares that are providing virtual learning classes, home school co-ops in the area, or a stay at home parent in the area who would help you out and let you pay him/her. If you can do one of those and keep your job then you wouldn’t be chancing it.”

“Yes, in certain circumstances, you can quit and they will determine if your case is eligible due to the reasoning.”

“In the same situation! I was thinking of going part-time, so only on weekends. I can work since my parents can watch them then. Seeing if that helps me qualify for PUE since I had to take reduced hours. I’m so stressed about all this, I’ve always worked.”

“Do you have an HR dept where you work? I work for a larger company, so it could be different, but there is paid leave you can take if you don’t have childcare for your child due to the school being closed for COVID. This would keep your place at your job until you can see how/if things change. Look into the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. This info is under there.”

“No, it won’t qualify. They will tell you to search for work with different hours. That is what happened to someone I know in the spring.”

“If your school is your childcare you can file because of COVID. Under normal circumstances, you cannot quit and file. I’d first talk with your employer and let them know your circumstances, and if/when you do file make sure you state it is because of COVID related lack of childcare. You have to state that or it will not be approved.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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