Mamas Uncut

25 Simple Tattoos – Simple Tattoo Ideas

Many people want unfussy, simple tattoos that are neither too big nor overly complicated. They strike a goldilocks-like balance between style and form. Simple tattoo ideas can come from a variety of places. You can turn to nature, to wildlife, to architecture, or go completely abstract. No matter where inspiration flows from, there is a concise and straightforward way to express yourself and get your point across. Just work with a tattoo artist with a point of view to help you realize your measured design.

To give you some ink inspiration, we’ve rounded up over two dozen simple tattoo designs to help you get a better idea of the possibilities and the limitations of these types of designs. We’ll also share with you a couple of different tattoo methods for simple tattoos so you have a better understanding of how you should get your tattoo. Now, let’s talk effortless design!

Get Inspired By These Simple Tattoo Ideas That Get Right to the Point.

Stick-And-Poke Heart


Wear your heart on your sleeve with a simple heart tattoo like this one. Many of the simple tattoos on this list were applied using the stick-and-poke method. It’s done without a tattoo gun, with a single needle for extra-fine lines, and is great for any simple design. Consider that option in addition to more popular tattooing styles.

Micro Stars


Micro tattoos are super small tattoos and they are extremely popular today. For small simple designs like these stars, you can expect very little commitment as far as time and money go.



Floral designs are extremely popular among tattoos, as they should be. This straightforward simple tattoo gets the point across without much fanfare.

Take Flight


How gorgeous are these little butterfly tattoos? Get fluttery and sweet with something equally as sophisticated and simple.

Beautiful Botanicals


Making a bold statement is not that hard to do with a simple tattoo. In fact, “less is more” really is a good adage when it comes to tattoos.



Here’s another hand-poked design that’s just a broken bone. Thanks to the movement lines we find some action here.



A collection of dots are all it takes to create an evocative yet simple tattoo. This swirling look really is exciting without a whole lot of elements piecing it together.



Pick a shape. Any shape! For simple tattoo ideas, consider a basic shape. The boldness of your choice will really pay off. We’ve got more like this in store for you.

Single-Line Faces


Single-line tattoos are a huge trend today. It’s easy to see why. They are elegant and romantic and can tell a story with just one line of ink.

Tulip Time


Here’s another adorable flower. This time, we find it with a more abstract look, appealing to the senses in a similar way that the single-line tattoo did.

Little Paws


Do you want to celebrate your little fur baby? Consider simple tattoos like paws or a nose and whiskers.

Kitty Universe


Pet tattoos are just so special. They pay tribute to the ones we love and treat as a member of the family.

Simple Tattoo Lizard


We’re not the biggest fans of creepy crawlies but we did like the boldness of this lizard tattoo which is composed of just a simple outline. Think of other critters that would work well with this treatment for your simple tattoo.

Slice of Life


Do you have a zest for life? Consider getting a fruity tattoo that embraces your love of fruit and nature.

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We did not stumble across a ton of simple tattoos of skulls but it’s possible. We find one here that’s composed of just a few shapes.

Furry Friend


We can’t get enough of the pet tattoos, so here’s another. How cute is this minimalist dog?



Here’s a tattoo that comes off rather bluntly. It’s just a fish. Nothing more, nothing less.

Family Portrait


Believe it or not, you can consider portraits for simple tattoos. You will just need to find the right artist who can help you realize it in a unique way as this artist has done.



A simple thorn works well as “filler” for a tattoo sleeve or on its own. Bold, black lines are all it takes to bring a design like this to life.



We’re back to some basic shapes again. Like the triangles before, these circles really make a statement without saying anything at all.

Take Flight


Do you love seeing birds in flight? A little scene like this one might be the perfect option for you. It covers a lot of area without covering much at all.

Humble Houseplant


Who loves their snake plants? This person, clearly. Dedicate some space for your most beloved houseplant and you’ll wake away with a tattoo you cherish forever.



Hand tattoos are sometimes called “jobstoppers” in tattoo parlance. We think that times have changed enough so that it’s no longer the case but this cute little lightning bolt couldn’t possibly make anyone mad.

The Vase


One of our favorite simple tattoo ideas on this list comes in the form of an elegant vase that reads so personal and artful. We have not seen a ton of color on this list but it can be used and made to look minimal.

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Happy Flower


We leave you with a goofy smiley face flower that hopefully spreads some joy. This simple tattoo is helped by the smiley and any sort of instantly recognizable symbol like it will serve you well.

There you go! Aren’t these simple tattoos simply amazing? We hope you found these simple tattoo ideas to be worth your while and that you’re walking away with some great ideas to take to your local tattoo artist. Less is more and you can prove it with your special tattoo! Happy tattooing!