Mamas Uncut

40 Space Names That Are Out of This World


As parents, we want the best name for our little superstars. Space names might be perfect for you! Looking to outer space might be the perfect place to find inspiration for a child’s name. Stars, planets, constellations, and all aspects of our galaxy have a story to tell. All animals, ourselves included, are fascinated by the night sky and the patterns of the moon. Not only is it beautiful, but it also lets us know when the tides come in, the harvest is near, and when to expect our newborns.

If you’re looking for names with more flavor than Emma or James, look upwards to the heavens for baby names that sound a bit more substantial. The ancient Greeks and Romans were obsessed with space and later Galileo and Copernicus would take our understandings and appreciation to new heights. Let’s take a look at some space names inspired by the galaxy to make sure your child’s name sounds like a star. Here are 40 out-of-this-world space names for all the dreamers and stargazers of the world.

Take a Look At These Stunning Space Names!


The girl’s name Alula has a playful rhythm to it. The name comes from Arabic and means “first leap” or “first spring.” The Latin form of the name means “wing.” As with all space names, this appellation is all about taking flight and new discoveries.

39. Altair

Coming from the same Arabic root as Alula, Altair is the male form of the name. It is translated to mean “the flyer” or “the flying one.” In Latin, the name means “bird.” Scholars think the name derived from the constellation Aquila.


The name Aries is one of a few gender-neutral space names out there. It means “ram.” However, it’s also the name of a mid-size constellation in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s also a constellation of the zodiac. This is one of the only three-for-one space names on the list!


Another constellation of the zodiac is Sagittarius. It’s often visualized and symbolized as an archer. The name Archer is an English name that does indeed mean “an archer.” This is one of the most handsome space names for boys.


Sorry for all the space names starting with “A” but there are so many great ones! Astra is a gorgeous name for girls that comes from Greek and means “star.”


Mythical Atlas was a Titan who bore the weight of the world on his shoulders. The name Atlas comes from Greek and means “to carry.” The name for boys connotes strength and wisdom.


The Roman goddess of sunshine was called Aurora. The glamorous name for girls means “dawn.” Aurora also refers to The Northern Lights. It’s one of the most beautiful and bright space names for little girls!


The name Buzz is a completely American invention that came from a nickname meaning “little village in the woods.” We know that’s not too space-sounding, but astronaut Buzz Aldrin would beg to differ. The name Buzz is super fun and we think your little spaceman could pull it off. It’s one of our favorite space names for boys.


Celeste is a popular name for girls in France. The name comes from Latin and means “heavenly.” Celeste sounds sophisticated and tasteful. If you’re looking for even more variety consider the Spanish form of the name, Celestina. You really can’t go wrong with any of the Celest-beginning space names!


The zodiac constellation Gemini contains a star named Castor. The name Castor means “to shine” and comes from Greek. Castor would be a unique name for a boy.

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The girl’s name Ceres is a Latin name that refers to the Goddess of the harvest, Spring, and growth. This beautiful name is beloved in France where it means “cherry.” It’s one of several space names that have multiple meanings and interpretations.


When you think of the night sky you might see order or harmony. The notion of the cosmos as a planned entity is seen in a variety of religious traditions including Christian theology. The name Cosmo comes from the Greek name Kosmo and means “order” or “decency.”


One of the moons of the planet Jupiter, Elara is a lyrical name for girls. The name has roots in Greek Mythology and is closely related to the name Larissa. Of all of these space names, Elara sounds most sci-fi!


The extremely charming name for boys, Elio, comes from the Greek god of the sun, Helios. The name is popular in Italy, Spain, and France. We’d love to see more of it in the US as it is one of the best space names that isn’t in your face.


Estelle is the French form of the Latin word “stella” which means star. While we totally endorse you naming your girl Stella, we thought the name Estelle was a bit more off the beaten path. You will find that most space names are!


If you want a space-inspired name for your son that really leans into the theme, look no further than Galileo. The historic Renaissance astronomer changed the world! If Galileo is a bit too much, you could always choose it for a middle name. The name is Italian and means “man from Galilee.”


This unique name for girls comes from Greek mythology. Gaia was the mother goddess who looked over the planet Earth. Hence, the name means “earth.”


This incredibly unique name comes from Hawaiian and means “star.” Hoku is perfect for parents who aren’t afraid to be bold or those who want to honor their heritage. This name has been traditionally given to boys, but we think it sounds attractive for girls as well. (In fact, there was a pop singer named Hoku who had a brief moment with her 2000 single, “Another Dumb Blonde” from Legally Blonde.)


Probably one of the most famous comets, Halley’s comet is a “periodic” comet that appears in the night sky every 75 years. The name Halley would be a fun alternative to Hailey. Halley is an Old English surname that means “large house.”


The Latin name Juno means “queen of the heavens.” Juno was also the patron goddess of Rome and the protector of women and marriage. Not only does this name sound excellent, but it’s also rather divine.

See Even More Space Names Below!


The Latin name Janus is a handsome one for boys we’d like to hear more often. Janus was the Roman god of gateways, passages, entrances, and exits. The perfect space name that symbolizes travel from one world to the next. Janus means “archway” in Latin.


Kamaria is such a poetic and beautiful sounding name. The Swahili name means “moonlight.” How gorgeous is that?


Of course, we had to include the name Leo on this list. The name is Latin and means “lion.” However, Leo is also the name of a constellation located in the Northern celestial hemisphere. The name Leo has become increasingly popular across Europe and we hope its favor continues to grow in the US. It’s one of the most subtle space names on the list!


While we’re on zodiac constellations, let’s look at the gorgeous name Libra. Libra is a Greek name for girls that means “scales” or “balance.” This unusual name wouldn’t seem too out of place considering names like Leah and Lydia sound similar.


Okay, we know this name is not going to be appealing to every parent, but we love it nonetheless. We like this name for a boy, but singer Erykah Badu gave her daughter the name. Mars refers to the planet and also the Roman god of war… Don’t let that turn you away from a name that would fit in with other offbeat names like Ziggy or Bowie.


Chrissy Teigen and John Legend named their oldest Luna, and it helped repopularize this serene-sounding name. The name means “moon” and comes from Latin.


Another very unique name for a boy is Namid. The name comes from Ojibwa and means “star dancer.” Is that the best name meaning on this list? It certainly comes close.


Lyra is not just a girl’s name it’s also a constellation name taken from the lyre of Orpheus. The name Lyra means “lyre” so it embodies both elements of music and the heavens. This Greek name has been growing in popularity and is one of the top 1000 given to girls in the US.


In Greek mythology, Zeus slapped Orion on the brightest constellation in the night sky. The name Orion means “rising star.” Although the name Orion is Greek, the Irish name O’Ryan is a close cousin.


Again, we’re back into Greek mythology with this name for girls. Maia was the daughter of Atlas who become the incarnation of the Earth goddess and the mother of Spring. It’s where the name for the month of May comes from. Maia means “mother” and it would be a fantastic name for your daughter.


One of the moons of Uranus, Oberon is a handsome name for boys. Oberon is a German name that means “noble.” You can also call your son “Obie” for short, which might be ideal. Is that the best space name nickname? It’s likely!


The name Navia is a Hebrew name that means “to name.” Navi is also the nickname for the star Gamma Cassiopeiae so named by astronaut Gus Grissom after his own middle name, Ivan, spelled backwards. Navi is a very sweet-sounding name.


Phoenix is a minor constellation in the southern sky that was named for the mythical phoenix. The name Pheonix comes from Greek and means “dark red.” It would make an excellent name for a resilient little boy.


The second-largest moon of Saturn, Rhea is also a fabulous name for little girls. It’s a Greek name that means “flowing stream.” In Greek mythology, Rhea was a TItan that controlled the way things flow. Any girl named Rhea is going to be so chill.


Sabik, a star in Ophiuchus, is also a handsome boy’s name in Arabic. The name means “one who comes first” and is associated with new beginnings. Sabik is a name you don’t hear often in the US, but we should do our part to change that.


A little more romantic than Roxanne, Roxana means “little star” or “dawn.” It’s a Persian name that belonged to the wife of Alexander the Great. A beautiful name for any parent who’s always wanted to call their daughter “Roxy.”


Sirius, also called Alpha Canis Majoris or the Dog Star is the brightest star in the night sky. The name has both Latin and Greek origins and means “burning.”


Sky was a favorite name for hippy parents back in the day and it fell out of favor until 2013 when it started to make a comeback. A bit on the nose, but Sky is a really pretty name for girls. Or boys!


The name Vesper comes from Latin and means “evening star.” It’s a mysterious and fun name for girls. Evening prayers are often called vespers in Catholic practices. For a name that connotes mystery, contemplation, and stars, Vesper is a winner.

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Vega is the brightest star in the northern constellation of Lyra. This handsome name for boys comes from Arabic and means “falling” or “falling eagle.” This handsome name is a nod to the night sky without actually being too obvious about it.

Space holds so many mysteries, beauties, and our very future. Space names inspired by constellations, stars, and heavenly bodies are never going to go out of style. We hope you enjoyed these 40 space names and hope you consider giving one to your little stargazer.