Guest Post: Why Being A Stay At Home Mom Makes Me Even More Thankful For My Husband

This post was written by Mamas Uncut reader Kyleen Joan. If you have a story you would like to share, you can submit it to

Please enjoy Kyleen’s guest post below.

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Being A Stay At Home Mom Makes Me Even More Thankful For My Husband

When I was a young girl I always knew I wanted to be a stay at home mom, being a mom was just in my blood.

Before marriage, my husband and I spoke about having children and what it would look like for us. Of course we tossed around the idea of daycare, but in reality, daycare is expensive and someone else raises your child(ren). Not only that, but viruses’ are inevitable and easily transmitted because rarely do people keep their sick kids home.

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When I was a young girl I always knew I wanted to be a stay at home mom, being a mom was just in my blood. If I were not to be a stay at home mom, my work checks would cover daycare and that's it. What's the point of working your butt off for someone else to raise your child? We are now parents to a 6 month old boy and me staying home to raise our child has been the best decision for us. My husband works long hours, he is gone 14-16 hours a day and doesn't get a lot of time with our son, or me. By the time he gets home, we eat dinner and prepare our son for bed. We get very little downtime once he gets home and he is exhausted from working. You may be thinking "well you must be exhausted too". You're right, I am exhausted, as I am up when our son gets up and do a lot in a day. I take care of our son, play with our son, clean the house, make dinner, do laundry, do my online schooling for a Realtor license and when I have a small amount of time I do my blog. It is a never ending repeated cycle and is a daily ordeal. I am thankful to have a hardworking husband. I am thankful I have a supportive and understanding husband. I am thankful I have a husband who loves his family. But…what I am most thankful for is, is to have a husband who loves his family so much. I will forever be thankful and feel incredibly blessed to have the life we live. #momblog #stayathomemom #thebump #blogger #life #marriage #boymom #love #family #parenting #motherly #herviewfromhome #foreverymom

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If I were not to be a stay at home mom, my work checks would cover daycare and that’s it. What’s the point of working your butt off for someone else to raise your child?

After we got married, I got a job as a Vet Assistant at a vet clinic. I wasn’t working there for long when I found out I was pregnant. I ended up quitting during my 2nd trimester due to the stress and the physical demands needed for the job. I started my journey of staying home and it was the best decision for us, as I could take care of the house full time, prepare and rest before our little one’s arrival.

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I'm going to talk about something that folks don't like to bring up and people can relate to…NOT BEING ABLE TO BREAST FEED. Before I had our son I was dead set on breastfeeding and my mind was only set on that. Ever since delivery, Colt wouldn't latch and I wasn't producing a good amount at all. Luckily, he got the colostrum he needed after he was born. ???? Everyone kept saying "try this, try that" and "does he have a lip/tongue tie". Colt didn't have a lip/tongue tie and I tried EVERYTHING. I joined Facebook groups and spoke to several people. I bought body armour drinks, lactation cookies, saw a lactation consultant, tried tea, and tried power pumping, etc. NOTHING WORKED!!! I tried to breastfeed until Colt was 4 months old, because I didn't want to give up and feel like a bad parent, as that's how society portrays it. I was an emotional rollar coaster. I got a lot of symptoms of PPD (PostPartum Depression) due to the stress of trying to breastfeed. I was lashing out at our son, our dog and my husband. I would get crabby and so would Colt. I would also cry and cry and cry. Me trying to successfully breastfeed our son was the most challenging, stressful and emotionally/mentally draining thing I have ever done. We decided to just feed formula, because PPD is nothing to mess with and breastfeeding wasn't successful. Society puts so much pressure on moms to breastfeed their child and that isn't fair. Some women just can't produce, some women don't have the right breasts to breastfeed and some babies just won't latch regardless of what the mom tries. STOP PUTTING PRESSURE ON MOMS TO BREASTFEED. ???????? All you see is "breast is best" and you see people applauding women for breastfeeding, but you don't see people applauding women who formula feed. Breastfeeding isn't the only way to feed a baby, let alone a healthy baby. No matter how you feed your baby, its still around the clock, sleepless nights and zombie looking moms who are exhausted. Its OK to not breastfeed or only be able to do it for a short time. FED IS BEST. There I said it. ???? #breastfeeding #momblog #boymom #fedisbest #bottlefedbaby #love #thebump #ppd #thebump #parents #herviewfromhome

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We are now parents to a 6-month-old boy and me staying home to raise our child has been the best decision for us. My husband works long hours, he is gone 14-16 hours a day and doesn’t get a lot of time with our son, or me. By the time he gets home, we eat dinner and prepare our son for bed. We get very little downtime once he gets home and he is exhausted from working.

You may be thinking. “Well, you must be exhausted too.” You’re right, I am exhausted, as I am up when our son gets up and do a lot in a day.

I take care of our son, play with our son, clean the house, make dinner, do laundry, do my online schooling for a Realtor license and when I have a small amount of time I do my blog. It is a never-ending, repeating cycle, and it is a daily ordeal.

Even though I am without a doubt exhausted and being a stay at home mom is more than a full-time job, I don’t think I will ever be as exhausted as my husband. Not only does he work a lot but on weekends he helps me with our son by getting up with him in the middle of the night and in the morning, so I can get some sleep.

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My husband put working his butt off as a priority so that I could be a stay at home mom. Due to work being a priority, so that we can afford me to stay home with our son, he doesn’t get much time with our son. He misses out on certain things due to working, such as appointments and milestones.

I am thankful to have a hardworking husband.

I am thankful I have a supportive and understanding husband.

I am thankful I have a husband who loves his family.

But…what I am most thankful for is, is to have a husband who loves his family so much.

I will forever be thankful and feel incredibly blessed to have the life we live.

Follow Kyleen Joan on Instagram for more from her and her family.

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