Mamas Uncut

Tips on Weaning a 2-Year-Old Toddler Off of Their Pacifier?

A mom writes in asking for advice about pacifiers. She says her toddler son, 2, is “absolutely hooked” on his pacifier. She wants to know if any other moms have advice about how she might consider beginning him to wean him off of using it. She adds that continued prolonged use for them is not an option, as his teeth are already beginning to misalign. So what say you, mamas? Any advice on pacifier weaning?

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A member of the community asks:

“How can I wean my son from his pacifier?

My son turned two in March and is absolutely hooked on his pacifier. Any advice on how to wean him off? Continued prolonged use is not an option- his teeth are beginning to misalign.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Wants to Wean Her 2-Year-Old Toddler Off of His Pacifier

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom (and her toddler) in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Pacifier Weaning Advice Summary

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“We took ours to build a bear and put them in a stuffed animal. The employee made it super fun for her. When she would ask for it I would give her the bear. Took us about 3 days before she stopped asking for it. At 14 she still loves her paci-bear…”

“I just cold turkey’d my daughter. It took about 3 days until she was over it. I was so stressed about it but it went way better than I thought! Just commit to it and do it! Good Luck!”

“I just went through this with my daughter we had her place them in a box and send them off to the kids that don’t have any. I left the box in the mailbox and had my sister come get it before we came home. I had my sister leave a small gift in a box addressed to her and a card that said thank you for sending is your pacifiers we really needed them. She asked for it once that evening and I reminded her we sent them off and that was it. I let her be involved in getting rid of them and I think it really helped.”

“Just throw them away! My son was obsessed with it to the point he would freak if it wasn’t clipped to him… 2 days of crying and he was over it! I took it from him when he was just shy of 2 years but I also just had his sister so I let him have it for comfort till he got used to his sister then I threw them all away.”

“Cut off the end and give it to him. Did this with my daughter and took a day for her to be fine. She remembered it was ‘broken and gave it up.”

“Super Nanny has a celebration for the big boy, he puts all his pacifiers in a treasure chest. The next morning he opens the chest and all the pacies have been replaced with age-appropriate toys. Because he is a big boy now.”

“We packed them up for ‘the new babies that needed them’ — he was so proud of himself. Also, cutting the tip off is supposed to work. Good luck!”

“The tooth fairy… tell him the tooth fairy took it because he’s too big for it now and needs to keep his teeth nice. I did this with the bottle because my son just WOULD NOT give it up. Worked like a charm.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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