25 People Shared Their Unpopular Cooking Opinions; Prepare to Be Stunned

In the world of gastronomy, certain truths are held to be self-evident. Pasta must be cooked al dente, steak is best medium-rare, and pineapple on pizza is a contentious issue. Yet, every now and then, someone steps forward with a culinary opinion that defies convention, leaving us questioning everything we thought we knew about cooking.

Get ready to have your kitchen paradigms shaken and stirred. We’ve collected a series of controversial cooking viewpoints from a variety of brave food enthusiasts who took to Reddit to “come out” with these unpopular opinions. These culinary mavericks are ready to challenge the status quo and might change how you view your next meal. Prepare yourself for an unexpected gastronomic journey.

On Cooking Pasta

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I prefer overcooked spaghetti. Al dente is just a texture that I really can’t get my body to like.” —u/JurneeMaddock

On Cooking Bacon

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I don’t like crispy bacon. Everyone I know likes it practically burnt, but I’d much rather have it fatty and tender.” —u/the_zodiac_pillar

On Chopping

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“When I make salad for just myself, I chop everything up so I can eat it with a spoon. I actually really dislike getting a huge leaf of lettuce on my fork. Just give it to me bite-size.” —u/Thomisawesome

On Microwaving Cheese

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“Chewy microwaved quesadillas are awesome.” —u/imnojezus

On Cooking Rice

Unpopular Cooking Opinions
  • “I don’t like to rinse my rice. I love the stickier texture it has with the starch on rather than having individual grains.” —u/101bees
  • “I feel like it’s a waste of time, and I see no difference between rinsed and unrinsed.” —u/rsvp_as_pending629

On Baked Goodies

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I don’t like cookies, brownies, or cake warm and soft from the oven. I like them cold and chewy.” —u/my_dancing_pants

On Potatoes and Turkey

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I love gloopy mashed potatoes. I use a hand mixer, and they turn out amazing. I also like dry turkey and use lots of gravy and cranberry sauce.” —u/Impossible_Key793

On Cooking Mac-n-Cheese

Unpopular Cooking Opinions
  • “Baking mac ‘n’ cheese makes it worse. Just put the cheese sauce on the pasta and you’re golden.” —u/mierecat
  • “I agree. I want it to be goopy and cheesy and not dried out like baked mac ‘n’ cheese always is.” —u/ybreddit

On Truffle Oil

Unpopular Cooking Opinions
  • “Truffle oil is trash.” —u/puzhalsta
  • “Strong agree here. I used to like truffle fries and such, but they got so overdone I just can’t anymore.” —u/Kushali

On Soggy Foods

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I like soggy cereal, but just to the point that there’s no more crunch, not to the point where it starts dissolving into the milk. Same with pizza. I recently had deep fried pizza, but because of all the sauce, it was soggy as I preferred; whereas, other people complained about it.” —u/LeviathanLust

On Undercooking Spaghetti

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I like when a clump of spaghetti sticks together. It’s a weird, chewy texture.” —u/Remarkable_Middle_42

On Steaming French Fries

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I like my fries soggy, like they’ve been steaming in the takeaway bag for a good five minutes.” —u/mindsnare

A Lot About Fish

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I hate ‘perfectly cooked’ fish. I prefer my baked salmon to have the texture of canned tuna. I’ll gag if it’s perfectly cooked, but I love raw fish in sushi and smoked salmon.” —u/Preesi

The Garlic Defender

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I will always defend jars of pre-minced garlic.” —u/foxieinboots

RELATED: 15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation

On Cooking Eggs

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I like my yolk cooked on my eggs — over hard eggs. No liquid or soft yolks, just no. Scrambled eggs need to be dry, not soft. It’s mostly a texture thing with a strong side of the knowledge of where that egg comes from under most circumstances. It doesn’t help that I don’t have a strong preference for the flavor of egg.” —u/JuniperFizz

The Plain Jane

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I like cheeseburgers completely plain, no condiments or toppings. I like the flavor pairing of some toppings, but would rather sacrifice them to avoid the messiness.” —u/lisabobisa46

Pork Preferences

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I like pork chops dry as a bone and sausage cut up and basically charred into little hockey pucks!” —u/MzOwl27

More Dry Meats

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I like my chicken overcooked. Not so dry that I have to wash it down with water, but if it’s juicy, I get grossed out.” —u/ILoveNapsZzz

On the Best Pizza Topping

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“Other than more cheese, ranch is the best pizza condiment.” —u/corndog819

Ketchup Slander

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“Ketchup is completely overrated, and mayo is a better condiment in almost every scenario.” —u/UsernameRemorse

On American Cheese

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“American cheese (I like Kraft) is good. It is a necessary ingredient with a time and a place.” —u/ozzalot

On Not Cooking

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I only eat leftover pizza cold. Leftover pizza should never be reheated. Its glory is lost once put in the fridge. Microwaving it kills everything good about it, and putting it in the oven takes too long. Just eat it cold.” —u/lazy_kaiju

Not Wine Time

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I hate wine. I will never understand why so many people like it. I’ve had cheap boxed wine and expensive bottles — they all taste gross.” —u/AD480

On Cooking Chili

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“Beans belong in chili. Otherwise, it’s just ground meat soup.” —u/UnidansOtherAcct

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Cold Coffee

Unpopular Cooking Opinions

“I like my coffee room temp. No iced coffee ever, it gets too watery. Hot coffee left to cool for a half hour-ish is perfect.” —u/I-am-me-86

As we conclude this culinary rollercoaster ride, remember that cooking is an art form open to interpretation and innovation. These 25 individuals have shown us that it’s okay to challenge the norm and think outside the recipe box. Whether you found yourself nodding in agreement or shaking your head in disbelief at these unpopular opinions, they’ve surely given you food for thought.

For even more food fun, keep reading. We’ve got the most heinous food fails of all time to share with you. They are so gross you might not be the same after seeing them.

This Is A Homicide

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@arugulamilkshake (Source)

This appears to be a murder victim. But, if you take a closer look you’ll see that it’s a bacon-wrapped meatloaf with spaghetti hair, almond teeth, cherry tomato cheese eyes, and a lot of sadness. Please don’t do anything like this.

A Strudel with a Case of Stolen Identity

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@ristorante_tirolese (Source)

This person who shared this food fail explained that they were attempting to make a strudel. Does this look like strudel to you? No! Because it’s a lie and this is clearly a block of coal.

These Meatballs Are a Choking Hazard

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@needsmoregravy (Source)

These dry, flavorless, sauceless, grey meatballs look so very said. We do not know this for sure, but foods that look this dry tend to get caught in the throat, latched by their dryness, if you will. Don’t even think about taking a bite. It could be your last.

Tacos But Make Them Poison

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@shaynatitan (Source)

Have you ever owned a cat? If you know, then you know, but for all others out there, these “shrimp” have some serious issues. Firstly, they look more like little link sausages than shrimp. Secondly, what the hell is a buffalo shrimp taco? Did we somehow miss a trend? This will undoubtedly make your entire life flash before your eyes if you eat it. Don’t.

Chilaquiles Took Their Revenge on Nachos

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@catsandfood (Source)

This sad-looking broken plate of nachos sure made a mess of this person’s oven and is unquestionably a fail. Perhaps they should have stuck with the more traditional Mexican dish, chilaquiles, which commercialized nachos are loosely based on.

Unicorn Meat Is Illegal

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@matmisar (Source)

This is clearly processed and boiled unicorn meat, right? There’s no other excuse for this pink plate of mess. Do not hunt the world’s withering population of unicorns. What a shame.

We’d Like to Report a Crime Against Shellfish

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@arugulamilkshake (Source)

We don’t know how this happened. We don’t want to know how this happened. We want to forget we saw it as this is one of the most gruesome crime scenes we’ve ever laid eyes on.

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This Is Indecent Exposure

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@hockey_house_grill (Source)

“Breakfast lollipop featuring Jalapeno [sic] Cheddar Sausage, farm fresh eggs, and barbecue sauce,” the person who shared this image informed its viewers. There’s something so unseemly here. No one ever wants a savory lollipop or to see anything like this on their table, or anywhere else for that matter.

Call the Pancake Police

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@livinnnlikelex (Source)

We’ve got a series of brutal atrocities against pancakes for you to learn from. This is supposed to be a zucchini pancake which just seems wrong to begin with, but then they topped their “scrambled pancake” with peanut butter, blueberries, and yogurt which looks like mayonnaise.

Call the Pancake Police We’ve Got a Repeat Offender

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@mrsnordstrom.food (Source)

The person who shared this image described the desired result as a “blueberry protein pancake.” Is cardboard a good source of protein or did we miss something? These pancakes somehow also resemble oysters and we just can’t.

What Did Pancakes Ever Do to You, People?

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@kitzchensink (Source)

Please, for the love of god, learn how to make a plain old basic pancake before you find yourself with a mess like this. Did pancakes hurt you? The person who “made” this mess asked, “Can I get away with saying a mermaid made them?” No! Mermaids aren’t real! Unicorns? Yes. Mermaids? Not a chance.

Notify the Embassy of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@sarah.scheffer (Source)

The person who shared these alien embryos had intended to make Vietnamese shrimp spring rolls. The result is an insult to the entirety of Vietnam, its people, its culture, its foodways, and its language.

Child Endangerment, Plain and Simple

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@arugulamilkshake (Source)

Just as a rule of thumb, nothing baby-shaped belongs in the oven. You can take that tip to the bank! This makes us so uncomfortable we’re going to move to the disgusting creation that’s next on the list.

Keep Your Toads Out of Those Holes

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@foodie_treats_ (Source)

Toad in the hole or Sausage Toad is a traditional English dish consisting of sausages in Yorkshire pudding batter, usually served with onion gravy and vegetables. Generally, it looks pretty disgusting when done right, but this looks so bad on a variety of levels that we can’t discuss here because we’re afraid to.

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Chaos Reigns

15 Food Fails So Tragically Bad They Warrant a Criminal Investigation
@arugulamilkshake (Source)

Lord, grant me the strength… The person who shared this unsightly crime scene described this dish as a “hotdog pie.” It consists of a filling of ground beef, a “crust” of weenies, and a topping of ketchup, mustard, and relish. The sick mind behind this should probably get a psych evaluation.

How many calories do expect this list will keep you from intaking today? Will you ever eat again? What is an appetite, anyway? We hope you enjoyed this silly list. In all honesty, we love adventurous cooks who aren’t afraid to push the envelope and try something new. However, there’s a line and these people crossed it.

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