Mamas Uncut

Hey Moms, When Was the First Time You Took Your Daughter to the OB?

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QUESTION: What age do you take your daughter to the OB?

“At what age do you take your daughter to the OB for the first time? Clueless mom.

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Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Once she started her monthly [menstrual cycle]. To check that all was okay and that she doesn’t have any problems…”

“My daughter’s pediatrician told me they don’t have to go to the gynecologist if they’re not sexually active or until they’re 21.”

“My mom took me when I became sexually active.”

“I went at 16 for the first time. I had a male pediatrician and he was in private practice, my mom figured I would do better with a GYN for my physical appointment. I got a pap smear and get checked to see if I was up on my tetanus and Hep B shots. I’ll take my girl around the same time.”

“Before they are planning on having sex, or if you have any physical issues with your lady bits prior to that… though the pediatrician should be able to discuss that stuff with you first.”

“I have been spending a lot of time at my GYNs office lately for some issues and I have almost 18 year old twin girls, leaving for college in August. Neither of which are sexually active. I asked my GYN when I should bring them in. She told me that if they are sexually active, they should be seen immediately. However, if they’re not sexually actively, there is no need for them to be seen by GYN at this time. So it really depends on how old your daughter is and if she is sexually active or not.”

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