Mamas Uncut

25 Shaved Head Tattoos: Fortune Favors the Bald


Tattoos on bald heads are not new! People have been decorating their shaved heads with tattoos forever. The result is a tattoo that can be completely or partially hidden once the hair is grown back. These bold bald tattoos are not going to be everyone because they exist on the most highly visible part of the body. For this reason, many tattoo artists will refuse to tattoo the location or at least discourage an individual from getting a head tattoo, especially if it’s the first one.

Head tattoos are so fun to look at because we know that the person who wears one made a choice! And, the choices range from interesting and decorative to strange and even unfortunate. If the old Latin proverb “Fortune favors the bold” holds true, then these individuals should have a hefty amount of luck. We decided to take a look at some recently shared bald head tattoos to see what the people are doing to their craniums these days. Here are 25 shaved head tattoos that might make your scratch your own noggin.

Stings a Little

This tattoo of a big scorpion must have stung. This was definitely a bold decision and the result is probably unusual if this individual is tall. Never thought we’d see someone wanting arachnid pinchers on their forehead, but here we are.


This shaved head tattoo consists of three nostalgic UFO’s whose pilots are feeling “home sick” and not “homesick.” The mystery of intelligent life in the universe is an attractive idea to ponder and perhaps explains why it’s on this man’s head.

We’ll Try

This person is living the dream! This simple black ink tattoo with an inspirational message is rather nice. Putting it right on the back of the head was an interesting decision, but hopefully, it encourages positive dreams when the head hits a pillow.


Okay. Karma means action, work, or deed; it also refers to the spiritual principle of cause and effect where intent and actions of an individual influence the future of that individual. What effect was this man hoping for with this karma tattoo?

Ear Curler

This nice, decorative ear tattoo is comprised of tons of little dots to achieve pleasant shading. In tattoo lingo, this shape is called a curler because the tat curls around the back of the ear. The design mimics a mandala and it’s pretty cute.

For Real

Lest we forget that we’re living in the real, this person has a tattoo to remind us to anchor ourselves to actuality. The lettering is nicely done even if the word choice raises more questions than answers.

Feeling a Certain Way About Corona

Well, this coronavirus tattoo takes the cake. We’re all processing our anxieties about the global pandemic in different ways and we hope this giant gas mask tattoo on the back of this man’s head brought him some peace of mind.

Eyes in the Back of His…

We’ve got another head on a head here. This time, the tattoo design features a royal skull. The person who shared this image of their new head tattoo included the caption “Sunday Funday.” Which… okay.

Let’s Get Reel

We never thought a fish carcass could be so dramatic, but here we are living in the “real.” This black and grey tattoo design borders on photorealistic but maintains a great deal of drama. Tattoo artists commonly refer to tattoos like this one on the head or hands as a “job stopper.”

Aztec Moment

The person who shared the image of this brilliant tattoo said she was inspired by Aztec art and design. It’s a truly bold and stunning geometric tattoo that we bet she hears a lot about.

Boba Fett?

This is a Star Wars tattoo inspired by the character, Boba Fett. Why Boba is wearing a Suicidal Tendencies hat and flannel, we’ll never know. Tattoos are the ultimate form of self-expression and this person ran with that concept.

Straight Fire

By all means, adjust that hairline and get some flames on your cranium! These are very fun and make for a bold statement.

The Serpent

This snake tattoo complete with floral elements is nice. The gentle sloping shape of design compliments the hairline and we imagine this would be difficult to see if the hair is grown out again.

Sun & Moon

This very fine line tattoo of the sun and moon is beautiful. Unless this person is bending forward, we imagine this tattoo would be very hard to see. The design is incredibly balanced and serene and if you’re going to do a head tattoo, you might as well complement its round shape like this.

Creepy Cool Moth

This tattoo is serving The Silence of the Lambs vibes. A large, blue eye and skull imagery in the moth’s wings add intrigue.

Cherish Every Moment

This life-affirming tattoo is done in an American traditional style. We’re not entirely sure a life-and-death themed tattoo is best displayed on the dome, but this person is concerned with living life to the fullest, so… live on!

Ummmmm. The Horror

The person with this unusual (that’s kind) tattoo shared an HP Lovecraft quote from The Outsider along with the image: “I know always that I am an outsider; a stranger in this century and among those who are still men.” Okay!

The Webs We Weave

Of all the creatures big and small, this person chose a green and yellow spider. Eeek! While we might not be the biggest fans of the subject matter, this tattoo is well done.

Just a Little Bit

We should all respect each other more, we agree. This interesting choice features beautiful letter work with plenty of embellishments. We respect this man’s head now.


Why not? This simple tattoo design of two beer steins clinking together is a merry one. Beer is a widely beloved beverage but we’re not sure visual odes to it on a head is the wisest choice. But, who knows? Perhaps this individual is a bartender or brewer. It could be very on-brand.


Wow! This tattoo looks like blue ink floating in a pool of water. We’ve never seen anything like this and it’s truly remarkable. The person who shared this image included the information that this is a Chakra tattoo that symbolizes energy.

Listen to Your Heart

If you don’t want to wear your heart on your sleeve, go ahead and slap it on your head. This bold and beautiful tattoo is very big and covers the back of this man’s head. He shared that he was interested in a “reverse mullet” which is apparently a thing called a “tellum.”


This gorgeous tattoo is a bit of a headscratcher. It’s somehow a crest and moth and death all at the same time! We do not know exactly what’s going on here, but the South Korean tattoo artist who completed this design is a master.

Pink Panther

Inspector Jacques Clouseau would be malheureux with this Pink Panther tattoo. Now, why this was chosen remains a mystery. Why are people obsessed with putting skulls on their skulls?

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Little Prince

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry‘s Le Petit Prince is one of the most beloved books around the world. This charming tattoo pays tribute to the story and consists of simple, black lines.

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There you go! 25 shaved head tattoos for baldies who want to show off some ink. These tattoos are anything but boring and we hope you enjoyed taking a look at what folks are tattooing on their heads these days.