Mamas Uncut

10 Memorable Wedding Fails: Dress Drama, Photobombing Pets, and More

Weddings are such happy occasions. You spend months meticulously planning your big day so that everything is just perfect. Surely with all that planning nothing could possibly could wrong, right? Of course, things don’t always go exactly as planned, sometimes with hilarious – or very awkward – results.

We’ve rounded up some notable wedding fails as a reminder that sometimes the most unexpected moments are the most memorable – though not always for the best reason.

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10 Hilarious Wedding Fails

When the wedding party awkwardly brings up the fact that this isn’t your first wedding.


Trying everything you can to capture that picture-perfect wedding moment.

A moment to remember, to be sure.

Just making the most out of all that thoughtful décor.  

“Did I do that???”

You’ve got to work hard to get that garter belt.

That was embarrassing for several people involved.

Pro tip: Make sure to practice those fancy moves before the photo opp.

Trying not to run your bride over with a motorcycle should be the #1 priority.

Never, ever trust anyone else with the engagement ring.

“Are you STUpid?!?!”

Having pets at your wedding is risky.

A classic pet photobomb!

When someone not only wears white to your wedding but wears an actual wedding dress.  

There’s a story behind this one

When your big entrance doesn’t go exactly as planned.

There’s arriving in style and then there’s… that.

Just a reminder that things can get really awkward when exes are invited.

Seems like these two exes probably have a good relationship, so there’s that.

Just remember, even if your big day doesn’t go exactly as you had planned, it can’t be any worse than your mother-in-law wearing a wedding dress to celebrate the occasion or getting knocked down by your groom during photos. Whatever happens, you’re sure to remember the day forever.