Mamas Uncut

I’m Wondering How Soon After a C-Section Can I Get Pregnant Again?


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QUESTION: How soon can you get pregnant again after a c-section?

“I want to have another baby. My son was born almost ten months ago via emergency c-section. I’m wondering if any other mothers have gotten pregnant this soon after an emergency c-section and how the pregnancy was for them, and their experiences.”

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Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“I had 3 planned c-sections. My kids are 23 months apart and 22 months apart. I didn’t have any issues with pregnancy or recovery afterwards.”

“I got pregnant when my son was a year old! Seems to be going fine so far.”

“I got pregnant 4 weeks after my first C-Section & had another c-section 9 months later.”

“I was pregnant again just under a year after. But, if you haven’t had a successful vaginal delivery before, you will have to have a c-section. Some doctors won’t even try unless it’s been 2 years since having the surgery, even if you had a successful vaginal before.”

“My son was born via emergency c-section. He just turned one and I am currently 7 months pregnant and have a c-section scheduled. They will be 15 months apart. My doctor said they recommend 18 months between c-sections.”

“It’s recommended to wait 18 months from birth to conception. You need time to fully heal. Check the March of dimes website.”

“I got pregnant when my first was nine months old and am due to have my second next month, I saw someone mentioned that you can’t deliver naturally if you weren’t able too with your first but my doctor has still given me the option to try vaginal delivery but I’m much more comfortable with the thought of a c-section.”

“I got pregnant with my second child 8 months after my first emergency c section. I was given the choice to do vaginal delivery but I chose to have another c section. My uterus was thin and probably would have ruptured if I had given birth naturally. But since I had a c section, everything went smoothly. Definitely better than the first.”

“My son was 9 months when I got pregnant again. I had a natural delivery the second time after an emergency c-section the first time.”

“I had an emergency c-section with my daughter due to a placental abruption. I ended up pregnant with my son 6 months later. Luckily everything with the pregnancy was fine, however we did end up with a repeat c-section.”

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