Mamas Uncut

I Don’t Know How to Keep My Kids Busy and Entertained During the Pandemic Without a Computer or TV: Advice?

A mom writes in asking for advice about activities she can have her kids do to keep them busy during the pandemic. This mom says her two children only want to play on the computer and/or watch TV. They have other games and activities around the house, but the kids find them boring and thus return to their technology. This mom adds that before the pandemic began, extracurricular activities kept her kids busy, but now it’s a very different world. Any ideas for this mom and her kids?

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A member of the community asks:

“What are some things I can do with my kids to keep them busy?

Hello, I need help. My 8-year-old boy only wants to be on the computer (Minecraft, Youtube) and my girl wants to watch TV. They have board games and LEGOs, but they find them boring. How can I get them off the computer and TV? Before COVID 19, everything was fine with extracurricular activities. Now I don’t know how to entertain them. Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks.”

– Mamas Uncut Community Member

Community Advice for This Mom Who Doesn’t Know How to Keep Her Kids Entertained During the Pandemic Without the Aid of Computers or TV

To see what advice the Mamas Uncut Facebook community has for this mom in need, read the comments of the post embedded below.

Pandemic Activities Advice Summary

The community offered this mom in need a lot of great advice. Read some of their responses below.

“Mine don’t have a choice. They only get their phone and games on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. On Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, they do the chores to earn their game and phone time. We go outside to ride bikes, swim, and explore nature and the creek. Maybe an obstacle course or scavenger hunt. Pinterest has tons of crafts, activities, and recipes. My girls love learning in the kitchen. We also do All kinds of DIY home repair, car repair, gardening, and canning together. We teach by hands-on.”

“I have a list for me if they get bored. They as well get one hour of tablet time. Then if they want more, they can earn 30 more minutes max for the afternoon by completing 3 pages of workbook pages. They play outside on and off all day long… we play two board games every night. And go for a walk or a two-mile bike ride nightly. We also read stories every night. They also do puzzles and chores. They also match socks for a penny a pair (I hate matching socks lol). Once they reach 25 pairs, they double their money.”

“I struggle with this with my eight-year-old as well. She has to earn tablet time through chores and good behavior, and I try to limit the time on top of that as well. She has to spend a certain amount of time playing outside or reading or playing with toys that are not electronic. It is always a fight but it is for the best.”

“We have been struggling with this also and have to limit the electronic time. Puzzles, art, Nike rides, rollerblades, basketball, trampoline, pool, baking with an adult…..”

“Make a schedule. Have them do chores to earn video game time. Mine are only allowed an hour a day of Xbox/computer. They hate it but it keeps them from doing nothing all day.”

“We do puzzles, play catchphrases, and cards. I even taught them cribbage. We also color and those paint by numbers might have something your son would want to paint.”

“They need to get their butts outside. Plan a family bike ride every day go for a nature hike, put out a slip and slide, sidewalk chalk, badminton, grab a basketball and go shoot some hoops, take them to the golf driving range, get some kites on windy days, give them chores to do. If my kids come and tell me they are bored, I give them chores to do. They have learned to get themselves busy for the most part.”

“Build something together. Crafts. They are old enough, have them empty the cupboards, and give them a good scrub down before winter. You could also try some fun, at-home science experiments. I sneak in multiplying fractions into real life by doubling or tripling a recipe for cookies or bread with the kids.”

“We have been doing geocaching. My kids love it because to them it’s like a treasure hunt.”

Do you have any advice for this mom? Leave a comment to help another mom out!

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