Mamas Uncut

I Know I’m Pregnant, But After 4 Positive At-Home Test, The One I Took At the Doctors Was Negative

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QUESTION: Positive tests at home but negative at the doctors office?

“Positive tests at home. Negative at the doctors. Hi everyone, I really need some advice. I’m 19 days late today. I took four pregnancy tests Friday afternoon. A Walmart cheapy and three first response, one of them were digital. Well, I went to my doctor’s today to do a pregnancy test, and it was a big fat Negative. I was so hurt. I came home and said to myself, ‘No, this isn’t right. I know I’m pregnant.’ I took my last two tests, which were Clear Blue. Both positive. One positive test was the plus sign, and one positive test was digital. I’m not sure what to do. I go back in two weeks. But I need some prayers my way.”

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Community Answers

The following top answers have been selected by a moderator from hundreds of responses to the original question.

“Mine also did this and I was pregnant. I made the doctor take a blood test and it was positive.”

“Based on the knowledge of working as a nurse in OB, chances are the nurses didn’t let the test run the full 5 minutes. Yes sometimes it takes the full 5 minutes. At my old job, nurses were getting in trouble for false negatives when the patient took positive tests at home. They should have done blood work on you.

“They may have not even done the test. They may have just told you [it was] negative. I had positive at home but negative at the hospital. Went to a local women’s center and it was positive. I was told that the hospital may have just told me [it was] negative to discharge me and get me out of the way.”

“I had to do blood tests because my urine test at the doctor’s kept coming back negative, ask for a blood test.”

“Had the same thing happen. Turned around and asked for a pregnancy blood test. It came back positive. I wasn’t producing enough hormones for the regular urine test at the doctors to register. I was 8 weeks along.”

“I had all negative tests all the way through but I new I was pregnant. I looked pregnant and there was no doubt about it I was pregnant. Anyway, I requested a scan because even blood tests were negative. And there on the screen at 21 weeks and 3 days was my little girl.”

“Happened with my daughter. They said my levels were too low to confirm a pregnancy through a positive test. They told me if I was pregnant expect to miscarry. Needless to say, they were wrong and I have a beautiful baby girl.”

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