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AITA For Offering To Pay For A Stranger’s Groceries Until They Tried To Purchase Expensive Items?

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A woman is asking Reddit if she is the a****** for refusing to pay for a mom’s groceries after the mom added a few more expensive groceries to the cart.

“I was in line at the grocery store on my lunch break with a couple [of] coworkers,” the OP (Original poster) began in the now-deleted post. “The woman in front of me at check out, baby in tow, came up short on her bill.”

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“I was happy to cover the extra,” OP wrote, “because we’ve all been through tough times. She was super appreciative,” OP explained, “and I was happy to do it.”

“Then she said, ‘Oh, actually, can I just get one more thing? I hadn’t because I didn’t know if I could cover what’s in my cart, but,’” OP recalled. “And I told her no problem.”

“Most of her cart was staple items like oatmeal and baby food,” OP explained, “so I figured she was getting some eggs or something.”

“She came back with a fairly expensive bottle of wine and a prime rib,” OP shared.

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“I declined to pay for that,” OP admitted, “and said if she wanted a basic staple I was happy to pay for that.”

The mom “got upset saying I had bait and switched her,’ OP wrote. “But the line had to keep moving so she checked out without those other items and that was that.”

After the “situation was over” OP shared with Reddit that the coworkers were not fans of her actions.

“Now I’m conflicted,” the person admitted. “Did I do the wrong thing by telling her what she could and couldn’t buy?”

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One user: “Right?? Like if anybody ever did this for me, I would take whatever I had and be damn [grateful]. Maybe I’d go back later and buy myself a bottle of wine with some of the money that kind stranger had saved me, but to have the audacity to pull that move is just inconceivable to me. And even if I had the guts to make the same request, my first thought would’ve been to grab a jumbo pack of paper towels or a big tub of ice cream or a pack of bacon or something. You know, stuff that would either last a long time and be super useful or a cheap, nonessential $5-10 treat that the whole household could enjoy.”

While another said: “I’m actually wondering if this was intentional? She probably knows many people will offer to cover if she’s only a few bucks short, especially with a baby in tow. It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if this were a regular thing for her because I feel like a lot people would be so afraid of being impolite that they’d just go ahead and pay it. Definitely NTA.”

What do YOU think?