Mamas Uncut

25 Shocking Tattoos That Will Deliver a Shiver Right Down Your Spine

Are you ready to get into the Halloween spirit? We’re not sure we’re ready now that we’ve spent time looking at some of the creepiest tattoos out there. We thought we understood the limits of what people considered acceptable as tattoos, but we were sadly mistaken. The scary tattoos we found will make your hearts race and probably give you goosebumps.

If you’re after a little bit of a fright, take a look at these bizarre and chilling tattoos that people actually had permanently inked onto their bodies. We do not know what would possess an individual to get a design that would scare the hell out them every single time they caught a glimpse of it, but folks assuredly have done it. Here are 25 shocking tattoos that we cannot believe people actually got.

Clowns Are No Good

Clowns and nuns seem to be the two scariest things on earth in the scary tattoo genre. We came across tons of creepy clowns that have made us question why we even allow clowns in our societies. Who thought this was okay?

Looking Evil

Again, why? This corpse, zombie, monster, thing constitutes half a sleeve on this person’s arm. Keep calm, folks it only gets worse from here.

Poltergeist Vibes

“They’re here.” There’s no reasonable excuse for a child to be watching a TV without a picture other than a haunting. This atmospheric tattoo is totally unnerving.

We Would Like a Refund

Well. There are a few photorealistic designs on this list and we must admit they’re some of the worst. Not because they’re badly done tattoos, but because they make us want to jump out of a window.

Double Trouble

You go in for a handshake and you’re greeted with this, what do you do? Hide behind the nearest door? Say a prayer? Deliver your last will and testament? This is no good!

No to This Nun

We’re swerving over into the nun tattoos for a moment. We’re not sure why so many folks have hangups with nuns. We’ve only ever had positive experiences with them. However, we needed to say a little prayer after we saw this giant portrait on someone’s thigh.

What Did a Nun Ever Do to You?

How are you doing? Do you think you can make it through this list? This horrible vampire-nun thing is making us question our endurance. Avoid your local nunneries, folks!


Nothing is more terrifying than the prospect of a child succumbing to whatever plot caused this. Protect your children and collect all the holy water you can get your hands on.


Imagine having to towel this tattoo off every time you shower. Then, imagine how it got there in the first place…

What a Doll

The tattoo artist who shared this image described it as a “doll head with human jaw.” Because, of course. Will we ever sleep soundly again?

Not Cute

This clown with a stitched up face seems to have harvested a human heart. It can go ahead and have ours because this stopped it.


Nuns, clowns, and dolls are inherently scary, we concede. This little creeper busting out of someone’s arm is not a good look.


If nuns, clowns, and dolls don’t do it for you, perhaps this massive creepy crawly will. We would like to institute a no more than four legs rule, please.

No to Vampires

Yes, this is a shot from a video of an actual tattoo. If you want an actual horror movie on your arm, here’s how to go about it.

Actually, Let’s Not

The person who shared this tattoo has some inner demons they’re dealing with and this one has made its presence known. Does anyone have a bible? Some salt? We’ll even settle for burning sage.

Not a Chance

How is it that the little ones can be so scary? Not today, Satan.


The individual who shared this tattoo included the caption, “She always felt like midnight, slashing and dashing without care.” Okay! Okay? Okay!?

From Russia, With Love

The tattoo artist who completed this monstrosity hails from Russia. We’d like to know if it comes with vodka because we definitely need a drink after seeing it.


Nothing to see here, just a centipede entering someone’s armpit. It was nice knowing you.

Not Right

No, thanks. How did this artist get this design to look so shiny and oily? We can’t imagine looking at this every day.

What an Eyesore

Multiple rows of teeth and a glowing red eye lets us know that we’re not welcome here. Oh, to have this vision.

No Way

We’re not having this submission from an individual in France who brought us this. We had a good run, but now it’s time for us to shuffle off this mortal coil.

No, No, No

Nope. Who would want this giant torso tattoo? This is terrifying and it might be the worst thing on this entire list.


The person with this tattoo shared a quote from Shakespeare along with it: “Hell is empty. All the devils are here.” Fitting.

YOU MIGHT ALSO LIKE: 25 Chilling Horror Movie Tattoos That Welcome the Halloween Season

Not Having It

How could you sleep at night with this on your body? We support your individuality but we will never understand. Eeek!

There you go! 25 shocking tattoos that should help you celebrate Halloween and/or the devil. These are some truly terrifying tattoos and we recommend finding a puppy to snuggle to help you relax.