Mamas Uncut

15 Most Unbelievable Questions Ever Asked on Our Community Forum


As our collective use of the internet continues to expand, more and more people are turning to online forums as a way to connect with others, ask questions, and share their experiences. However, with this increase in participation comes a plethora of unique and unusual inquiries that leave even the most seasoned forum moderators scratching their heads.

Our community forum is no exception to this trend. Over the years, we’ve received a multitude of bizarre and unbelievable questions from users all walks of life. In this blog post, we’re going to highlight the top 15 wildest questions ever asked on our forum, showcasing just how bonkers and entertaining online conversations can be. So sit back, relax, and get ready to dive into the strange and fascinating world of the Mamas Uncut community forum!

Question: ‘What would you do if your partner downloaded tinder and said it was for work?’

MU Community Forum

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Question: ‘How can I tell my friend her children do not smell good?’

MU Community Forum

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Question: ‘Why is my toddler eating his poop?’

MU Community Forum

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Question: ‘How to sage a house and rid of a ghost?’

MU Community Forum

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Question: ‘Does your spouse time you when you do something?’

MU Community Forum

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Question: ‘Was I wrong for calling the cops on my sons friend?’

MU Community Forum

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Question: ‘Would I be wrong to skip my uncles funeral for my daughters baseball game?’

MU Community Forum

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Question: ‘What do you do when you are in your car and your child has to pee?’

MU Community Forum

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Question: ‘Anyone else have a child that will not stop talking?’

MU Community Forum

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Question: ‘Would it bother you if your husband never wore his wedding ring?’

MU Community Forum

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RELATED: AITA For Serving My Husband’s Family Mac N Cheese For Dinner?

Question: ‘Anyones toddler refuses to try condiments?’

MU Community Forum

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Question: ‘Has anyones spouse had wet dreams?’

MU Community Forum

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Question: ‘Would you be okay with your 5 year old drinking coffee?’

MU Community Forum

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Question: ‘I want to name my son Lucifer but my family has an issue with it: Advice?’

MU Community Forum

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Question: ‘Should we allow our kids to play with kids of a different faith?’

MU Community Forum

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In conclusion, the 15 most unbelievable questions ever asked on our community forum prove that the internet is a vast and fascinating place, full of unique individuals with an endless supply of hilarious individuals. While some of these questions may seem strange or even silly at first glance, they also serve as a reminder of the incredible diversity of perspectives and experiences that make up our online communities.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading through these bizarre inquiries and invite you to join us on our forum to add your own voice to the conversation. Who knows, maybe your question will be featured in the next round-up of unbelievable forum posts!

For even more community content, keep reading. We’ve got a person asking AITA over macaroni and cheese!

“My husband (Asian) and I (American) welcomed our firstborn 4 weeks ago. The baby is [healthy] (Thank God) but I’m exhausted, haven’t fixed my hair, barely able to shower and can not sleep,” the OP, Original Poster began.

Image via Shutterstock

“My husband’s family had been pressuring us to visit to meet the baby. I tried to hold them off as much as I could but yesterday, I was surprised to find them standing on the porch. Turns out hubby invited them for dinner. I was embarrassed and felt like I wasn’t ready for visitors (judgemental ones at that ????) cause the house was a M.E.S.S y’all.”

The OP went on to reveal that her husband forced her to make a homemade meal as ordering takeout would appear “rude.”

“Anyways, my husband sat with them while I fed my son then later I asked my husband if we should order takeout for dinner. He said ‘NO’ because his parents would find this rude and unwelcoming. He suggested that I go inside the kitchen and prepare something, anything long as it’s ‘homemade.’ I said fine then went and made some Mac N Cheese. The reason I prepared this meal is because of how easy it is.”

Image via Shutterstock

RELATED: AITA For Not Wanting To Teach My Boyfriend How To Do Chores?

“Once I served the family, my husband’s mom looked at me and was appalled. I noticed something was wrong. She asked if I really found it ‘appropriate’ to serve her and the family Mac N Cheese. I asked why not and she went on a rant about how disrespectful this was and that I clearly have no experience in what is right and wrong when it comes to hosting. I said excuse me? Who said I signed up to host an expected visit from them and she took it as in I didn’t want them there.”

And from there, the situation continued to escalate.

“Her husband said they were just there to finally see the baby that I kept them from seeing for an entire month. That’s a whole month of his life they ‘missed’ out on. We had an argument and they decided to go home. My husband said that deciding to serve his family Mac N Cheese was more offensive [than] serving them nothing at all. I told him I was too exhausted to cook their ‘traditional feasts’ that I was forced to learn from his mom. He took offense and said that I was being mean and disrespectful towards not only his family but his culture.”

Image via Shutterstock

RELATED: AITA For Telling My Brother’s Wife She’s Responsible For His Health Declining?

“I went inside the bedroom to stay with my son. My husband stayed on the phone with his family for an hour then kept giving me the cold shoulder and refused to eat what I cook in support of his family. I understand how some guests might find it offensive especially his family. but I was just trying to make a quick homemade meal like my husband wanted. What’s wrong with Mac N Cheese”” the OP concluded.

One user commented: “This isn’t a culture clash – these people are just AHs. There isn’t an asian culture I’m aware of that doesn’t practice some form of postpartum confinement where it is expected that the new mother do nothing other than rest and bond with the baby. IF they were so ‘traditional’ they should have showed up with food, offered to clean the house, and run a load of laundry while they’re at it. NTA btw.”

Followed by: “I’m Asian and if anything, it’d be my relatives coming over and bringing me food. No one would expect an exhausted new mother to cook a whole feast. Sure, boundaries don’t really exist in Asian families sometimes but if OP’s husband had even the thinnest backbone, he’d stand up to his family for her. And if he wanted to host so bad, why didn’t he cook?”