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25 Playful Toy Tattoos That Will Make You Feel Like a Kid Again

Take a walk down memory lane with us as we enjoy toy tattoos that will make you feel nostalgic for a time when toys were your biggest concern. These tattoos are loving celebrations of aspects that highlight the brightest memories of childhood. It’s totally fine to express your inner child in tattoo form as it lets others know that you cherish play and that you are not taking yourself all that seriously.

From classic toys like rocking horses to new entries in the iconic toy hall of fame from the eighties and nineties, all make appearances on this list. If you are looking for a list full of heartwarming tributes to childhood, you have come to the right one! Check out these 25 toy tattoos that you will definitely want to share. See if you played with them all!


@creepytikicri (Source)

Ah, yes. Furby was the it-toy of 1998 and was a huge success for Tiger Electronics. The cute, furry little robots could talk and move around awkwardly, but they were not all that fun to snuggle. We love this “new age” Furby with crystal and herby details.

Lego Santa

@nawa_tattooer (Source)

Lego has been around since the 1930s and it has become one of the most beloved toy brands in the world. Here, we find a jolly tribute to the little toys with a micro tattoo of Lego Santa.

Lego Sketch

@vezetattoo (Source)

Here is another Lego toy tattoo that’s done in the sketch style that looks like it has been drawn by an animator. We love the movement lines which give this design plenty of action.

Minnie Mouse Teddy

@daynanortontattoo (Source)

Disney tattoos are extremely popular but this one of Minnie Mouse is a little different and much more personal. It represents a beloved childhood toy for the person with it and we can’t get enough. Precious!

Old School Teddy

@dziarczyncy (Source)

Here’s a uniquely tattooed teddy bear that has some of the sharpest and cleanest fine lines you will ever see. If we had to wager, we would guess that this toy tattoo was applied by hand without a machine to give it such a remarkable appearance. Bravo!


@cessecat (Source)

Trolls are a Danish import that began to become popular in the US in the sixties. It’s safe to say that these toys have captured children’s imagination as it is an entire franchise now that’s bigger than ever. This cute one has ombre in the hair and sparkles to let you know it’s magic.

Robot Figure

@magnumcircustattoo (Source)

This robot toy tattoo looks super sharp and reminds us of those vintage wind up toys that used to be so popular. We love this classic look and the artistic liberties taken to replace a clock in the the robot’s chest with a heart!

Polly Pocket

@jamiereneetattoo (Source)

Polly Pocket was a very popular toy that was introduced in the late 1980s. The concept is that a makeup compact could be the home for some very tiny toys and Polly Pocket was born! We love this super sweet tattoo that pays tribute to the cute little toys.


@deadhousemanchester (Source)

Like Furby, Tamagotchi were another huge trend in the 1990s. Chances are, you had one of these hanging from your keychain or zipper on your backpack. The whole point was to love and nourish your little electronic pet which was a great concept.

Fizzy MLP

@sparklesandtattoos (Source)

Hi, Fizzy! Who remembers My Little Pony? We suppose it is still a rather big deal today. But, we remember seeing those little toys scattered on floors for our entire childhood. This toy tattoo is shimmering and has a glitter effect to give it extra sparkle.

Whole Story

@tattooist_pooh (Source)

How could we not include the character, clears throat, toys from Toy Story? All of your favorites are included in these tidy little micro tattoos. Not bad at all!

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Chatter Telephone

@alxgracia (Source)

The chatter telephone was a weird toy that was released in the 1960s by Fisher-Price. These toys are still being manufactured today! If you recall, they had a string you pulled and as the phone rolled it made a weird clicking sound and its eyes would move wildly about. It makes for a cute tattoo and probably brings back memories for most of us!

Everyone Loves a Slinky

@_jhaiho (Source)

We love this rainbow slinky tattoo and we have no idea how the artist managed to keep those lines so neat. The slinky has been with us since the 1940s when it was originally made from metal. Slinky began marketing a safer version of the toy in the 1970s made rom plastic and rainbow plastic was the one to have!


@cobrasnak3 (Source)

Gumby has been around in one for or another since the 1950s. We know him well from the classic claymation films and most of us enjoyed watching Gumby’s adventures as a child. We love this bold take on the figurines that were released and that many of us played with.

Barbie Cake

@sanae_kawaii (Source)

If you did not attend at least one birthday part with a Barbie cake as a child, were you even alive in the 20th century? These little cakes which were domed shaped cakes with a Barbie doll shoved inside were all the rage!

Stuffed Elephant

@know_mad_ink (Source)

How cute is this photorealistic tattoo of a stuffed elephant? We love the way the artist has captured how those plush toys catch light in their fabric. Precious!

Beanie Baby (Source)

The Beanie Baby craze was fueled by their perceived collectability and people hoarded hundreds of these babies in plastic beans hoping they would become worth something someday. It was wild! But, this toy tattoo of Inch the inchworm is a cute throwback to those soft little animal babies.

Betty Spaghetty

@cypress_tattoo (Source)

Betty Spaghetti was a strange phenomenon as a toy with hyper-thin legs and arms that were super flexible and meant to look like pasta. We’re not sure how they took off but we do remember then being everywhere in the nineties. Rock on, Betty!

Rocking Horse

@bellelvr (Source)

We have all gotten one of these wooden rocking horses at one point in our lives, right? This vintage, and often, handmade toys were functional folk art. We love this nostalgic toy tattoo that made us remember a thing we had not seen for decades!

Rubber Duckie

@gossentattoo (Source)

Sesame Street most likely made you want your own rubber duckie to take a bath with and try to sing like Ernie who even performed a song about the yellow pal. This cute tribute is such a charming idea!

Wind Up Chomping Teeth

@purinktattoos (Source)

Remember these weird wind up teeth? Any one old enough to remember the ones made from metal and not plastic? Originally named “Yakity Yak Talking Teeth,” Chattering Teeth became the more marketable name when they were released in 1949. They make for a really fun, novelty toy tattoo.

Potato Head

@theblackroomtattoo (Source)

The Potato Head family has been a fixture in American pop culture since the 1950s. Mrs. Potato Head might have even been your favorite childhood toy. This person, clearly, enjoyed Mrs. P.

Summer Barbie

@tattoo_arkham_art (Source)

Barbie is one of the biggest toys of all time and we love when people go for some of the more vintage styles and looks for their tattoos. This toy tattoo conveys both loves for fashion and a passion for play. We dig it!

Wind Up Mouse

@miamisshake (Source)

The wind up mouse toys we all know and love were first marketed as prank items, but kids actually loved them and families discovered that their cats did as well! This cute little toy tattoo with plenty of vibrant pink looks fabulous!

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Rubik’s Cube

@markezpinosa (Source)

Rubik’s cubes have been around since the seventies but they exploded in popularity by the 1980s becoming one of the world’s most best-selling toys. We love the way this toy tattoo captures the 3-D quality of the block and the rich colors truly shine. Bravo!

There you go! We hope you enjoyed these fun toy tattoos! Remembering the toys we loved and celebrating them as adults is a fun and creative idea for your next tattoo. We would like to go and solve a Rubik’s cube now!