Mamas Uncut

25 Overdone Tattoos That Are Beyond Cliché


Tattoos are a supreme form of self-expression so it’s shocking that so many people get the exact same designs! If you ask any tattoo artist, “What tattoo are you sick of doing?” they’ll definitely have some examples. For instance, getting the saying “this too shall pass” is so common that the motto has become a curse for artists that actually never passes. Clichéd designs like hearts and infinity symbols make a showing, but we discovered more tattoos that are completely overdone.

There are so many Harry Potter tattoos that we’re beginning to wonder if it’s the only book that some people have actually read. Additionally, Disney tattoos are another culprit and they’re a dime a dozen at this point. We understand that these monoliths of pop culture are important to people, but we ask that fans of Disney venture beyond the watercolor tattoo. And for the love of all that his holy, Harry Potter fans please stop getting that symbol from Deathly Hollows. We implore you to think outside the box and be creative with your personalized tattoo designs. If you’re wondering what to avoid, just take a look at the top 25 most overdone tattoos.

Birds of a Feather

Stop. Stop getting a feather tattoo that’s sprouting birds. It had its moment, now let it pass. Fly, fly away!


Really. Please think of more creative expressions. Tattoo artists are actual artists who can reliably create fashionable and unique designs for you. Ask to take a look at an artist’s flash or portfolio for inspiration.

This Star

We have a confession. Yours truly got this tattoo at the ripe age of 18-years-old. We ask that you do not do the same. People will treat you like a scene-kid for your entire life.

Heart on Their “Sleeve”

We get it! Now, please think of designs that will bring more to the table than just a heart.


We’ve taken more naps that were more exciting than this tattoo. Dandelions are great little flowers, there’s no doubt. But, this does not make for an inspiring tattoo.

Too Much Infinity

Getting an infinity symbol on the wrist or thereabouts is all too common. Please, try harder.

Anyone Who Has Taken a Yoga Class:

Yes, the lotus is a beautiful symbol. Do you have to get a tattoo of one after a month of attending yoga classes? No.

So Much Cliché

This font, dandelion, and birds tattoo is peak cliché to the point that we almost wonder if this is a joke tattoo. There’s literally an entire world to draw inspiration from. You don’t have to be a sheep.

Notes on an Ankle

We get it. You were in your high school marching band and you *love* music. Think beyond the sheet music ankle tattoo, we beg you.

Deathly Hallows

Whatever you do, do not do this. There are easily one million of these tattoos in the world. Consider other scenes from the book that might better express your fandom.

Too Much This

Really. There are so many examples of this symbol getting tattooed and each one is boring. Stop!

The Outline of Mountains

Are you thrilled yet? Mountains are great! Nature is the best! You can do better. Take a hike and find an interesting plant that brings you joy or get a topographic map-style tattoo of your favorite mountain.

Poison Apple

We’ll be talking a good deal about Disney-inspired tattoos as this list continues. While it’s one of the better tats in this genre, the poison apple is far too common.

Every Butterfly

We get that you’re living your best Mariah Carey fantasy, but the butterfly tattoo needs some fresh life.

The Disney Font

Never trust anyone who has this font tattooed on their body. Their happiest moments are behind them.

Anyone with a Chip on Their Shoulder

Well, the chip-on-your-shoulder was fun the first 200 times we saw it. It’s time to explore beyond cartoon drinking vessels.

The Sun & Moon Combo

Woo! The sun? Never heard of her. The moon? Who’s that! This design is as old as time and while a timeless tattoo might be what you’re going for, you could be thinking about the future instead.

Yin & Yang

As far as matching tattoos or best friend tattoos go, the yin and yang pairing is, by far, the most copied. You can get more personal than this, people!

Every Tiny Cactus

Cacti are great! We’re just tired of seeing tiny tattoos of them. Set a scene and tell a story with your tattoo instead.

Any Tattoo Located Here

Tattoos on the inside of your fingers are cute. However, the trend is verging on ubiquity at this point.

This Potion

PEOPLE. There is more to life than this potion from Harry Potter. If you love the series of books, you’re not obligated to get this tattoo. We promise!

Harry Potter Meets Disney

Excuse us while we go take a collective deep breath. Your Disney/Harry Potter mashups are tired.

This Wave

What is the point of even getting this squiggle? We like the ocean as much as the next person but we can think of a million better ways to express that than this.

The Word “Go”

Just go! Leave. Be gone. Never again. The word “go” is supposed to inspire adventure and action. All we want to do is to go to bed.

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Geometric Animals

It’s an animal, but it’s geometric!? This tattoo trend has hit its expiration date. We’re so tired of these geometric tattoos.

There you go! 25 overdone tattoos that are not cute anymore! They’ve been done far too often and miss the mark. A tattoo is supposed to be a personal expression. Its value is lessened by normalcy.