August 2020

My Boyfriend, the Father of My Child, Cheated on Me: But Is Our Relationship Worth Saving?

My Boyfriend, the Father of My Child, Cheated on Me: But Is Our Relationship Worth Saving?

A mom writes in asking for advice about her boyfriend, who is also the father of her child. She says that her boyfriend cheated on her. He told her a week after it happened. “It got bad,” she said, before adding that she told everyone in their lives what had happened. Since then, her boyfriend has apologized, calling it the biggest mistake he’s ever made, and they have been going to see a therapist. This mom wants to know if their relationship is worth fighting for.

Amy Schumer Got Very Candid and Specific While Talking About Her 'New Parents' Sex Life

Amy Schumer Got Very Candid and Specific While Talking About Her ‘New Parents’ Sex Life

Very few people do it like Amy Schumer. She’s funny, of course. Very funny. And smart. And talented. And beautiful. Like pretty much every famous person, right? Right, but Schumer also keeps it very, very real and talks about hard things like, dare we say, a normal human being. From her difficult pregnancy to the embarrassment of accidentally naming her son something gross, Schumer always keeps it 100. And it’s no different now that she’s opening up about her sex life as a new parent.

Britney Spears' Dad Finally Addresses the #FreeBritney Movement, and No, He's Not a Fan

Britney Spears’ Dad Finally Addresses the #FreeBritney Movement, and No, He’s Not a Fan

More than a year after the #FreeBritney movement began, Britney Spears’ father, Jamie Spears, is addressing the situation head-on. Unsurprisingly, he unequivocally denounced the movement and its supports, which claims, among other things, that Jamie is deliberately (and cruelly) fighting to keep Britney (and her assets) under his control for his own personal gain.

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