
Man Wonders: Was I Wrong to Leave My Fiancé for the ER Right After She Gave Birth Because She Broke My Hand During Labor?

Man Wonders: Was I Wrong to Leave My Fiancé for the ER Right After She Gave Birth Because She Broke My Hand During Labor?

Birth is gruesome. Almost always for the woman giving birth (and the baby, and the doctors and nurses). But occasionally — very occasionally — a woman’s partner has a rightful claim to labor and delivery trauma, and this may be one of those times. A man recently posted on Reddit asking if he was “the a***ole” for abandoning his wife in her hospital shortly after she gave birth… because she’d broken his hand during labor.

10 Hilarious Quarantine Activity Fails That Will Make You Say 'At Least You Tried'

10 Hilarious Quarantine Activity Fails That Will Make You Say ‘At Least You Tried’

While these ambitious activities often create sweet memories, they can also end up being complete disasters. Thankfully, many brave parents are willing to share their activity fails on Instagram, hilariously documenting the hours spent cleaning slime, flour, and paint off of every surface. Whether or not you’ve been brave enough to try these activities out in your home, we hope these fails will give you a moment of levity.

25 Hilarious Parenting Tweets by @DadAndBuried: 'What Is Your Kid's Favorite Band and Why Is It Imagine Dragons?'

25 Hilarious Parenting Tweets by @DadAndBuried: ‘What Is Your Kid’s Favorite Band and Why Is It Imagine Dragons?’

Social media can be a place of humble parenting brags and an endless stream of perfectly curated photos. That’s why we’re especially grateful for moms and dads who are out there keeping it real. One of our favorite funny fathers, @FatherWithTwins, never fails to capture all of the struggles that come with raising small, wild humans.

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